Totally stolen from
MEME #1:
1.) Write a list of 15 possible characters.
2.) Have you friends list comment with a request for three possible drabbles with a character of their choosing.
3.) Pick one of (each) the drabble requests and write it!
4.) Copy this meme to your own journal and have your friends list pick characters.1. Oliver Queen (
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Comments 21
Je dois aussi donner un thème ? o__O
Bref pour les persos (tu vas être trop étonnée...)
- 3 Marcus Flint (Harry Potter)*marmonne un truc ressemblant vaguement à MarcusOliver*
- 5 Pyro (X-men)
- 14 Reid Garwin (The Convenant)
Et si par hasard faut un thème bah euuuuh... Matin ?
Je vois, je vois, je vois xD
Alors, en fait le premier meme, tu dois choisir trois persos et me donner trois idées de drabble pour ces persos et moi je choisirai l'une des idées^^
Maintenant si tu veux tu peux choisir "matin"
Le deuxième meme... C'est juste que tu peux me poser n'importe quelle question concernant l'un des fandoms que j'adore^^
Bon je garde matin comme thème commun... les trois doivent pas etre du matin à mon avis XD
Et pour le deuxième...
Pourquoi pas X-men ? et pour la question... Que serait devenu Pyro à ton avis, si Bobby Boy avait pas été là ?
Quant à la deuxième question, je veeux être bien sûre de la comprendre...
Tu veux dire que serait devenu Pyro si Bobby n'avait pas été avec lui à l'école de Xavier?
For the first meme:
1)Oliver Queen, falling in love
2) Arthur Pendragon, thoughts on Merlin
3) Peter Pevensie, missing Caspian
I hope those are okay!
And for the second meme:
If you could change one thing in Harry Potter, what would you change and why?
Regarding the second meme...
If I had to change one thing in Harry Potter I think it'd be about Voldemort, especially in the last book, I'd write him as a more charismatic character and definitely far more intelligent and scarring. I was just dissapointed.
Why? Because JKR introduced him to us like a strong/smart/mysteriou/scarring character and in the end he is just another fool one. I don't like that kind of vilains.
My drabble ideas:
1) Marcus. How about something about his feelings on his 'machine' parts or waking up again after his execution
2) Xena! Heck yeah. How about a short piece where she's kicking someones ass lol
3) Marcus. Muses on Oliver and/or quidditch.
Can't wait to work on that!
And about Marcus (definitely the hottest Terminator ever...til now XD) What I like the most about him is his human heart. I mean even at the beginning with the execution, even if we don't know what happened, we know he just can't be a bad person. And then he shaw it so many times in the movie. He is a strong person with a beautiful heart. And he is just so touching, not really wanting to have a second chance because he thinks he doesn't deserve it.
And sure, the human winning over the machine is definitely te best part^^ ♥
Oh, by the way, is your avatar the Athena from the Titans movie?
-actually, it's Amelia from the Underworld series. She was one of the lesser known characters but I always kind of liked her for some reason. I think it's the eyes and the ass-kickery she does in her few short scenes
When I saw her in the first movie I was "OOOOoooh!!!" and then she died Oo
But I really like her! And in the second movie, at the beginning, she was great! I'm so dissapointed I totally missed the third movie in theaters -_____________-
So Arthur, Arthur, Arthur!
1)Arthur thinking Merlin doesn't love him! for some ust
2)Arthur and Merlin... Merlin gets ill and Arthur has to look after him for some h/c
3)Arthur/Merlin/Mordred coz i just love a Merlin sandwhich and you did such a good job last time ^_^
Have fun!
Shame on me for being so stupid... Though LJ asked me TWO times if I wanted to delete the entry and I wanted to click NO and clicked yes instead -_-
So sure! I'll do it shortly, hon♥♥
-Chris (Skins) : something with cassie but no Chris/Cassie, just deep friendship.
-Marcus (Terminator Salvation) : something with Kyle Reese (and Star if you want). Could be slash, could not be, I'm not picky. Angst is love.
-Castiel (Supernatural) : Hum... maybe something with Castiel falling in love with a human girl that have the "sight" (can hear & see his true form) and understanding Anna better (would be fun if the girl is one of the winchester's daughter). Or something with Castiel meeting John Constantine (because that would be fun). Whatever (I don't say no to slash either, even if I'm not really into Dean/Castiel since Dean belong to Sam XD... Castiel/Sam isn't bad either :3).
Meme 2 : Hu... So because I suck with rules I'm gonna have 2 questions :
-What you would want for Castiel character on the season 5 &...
-Your thought on the Marcus & Kyle & John dynamic in Terminator Salvation.
That's about it! :)
(And now, I'm supposed to post it on my journal I believe?)
And I like your prompts, hope to do them shortly!^^
(Be sure that I'll take part if you post it^^ Perhaps have you already posted it? I'm a litle behig right now with my flist ToT)
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