Totally stolen from
MEME #1:
1.) Write a list of 15 possible characters.
2.) Have you friends list comment with a request for three possible drabbles with a character of their choosing.
3.) Pick one of (each) the drabble requests and write it!
4.) Copy this meme to your own journal and have your friends list pick characters.
1. Oliver Queen (Smallville)
2. Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
3. Marcus Flint (Harry Potter)
4. Mordred (Arthurian Legends)
5. Pyro (X-Men)
6. Chuck Bass(Gossip Girl)
7. Marcus (Terminator Salvation)
8. Stefan & vladimir (Twilight)
9. Xena (Xena Warrior Princess)
10. Chris (Skins)
11. Jason Todd (Batman)
12. Peter Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia)
13. Castiel (Supernatural)
14. Reid Garwin (The Covenant)
15. Melinda Gordon (Ghosts Whisperer)
Meme #2: Ask me any question about any object of my fannish obsession - be it my opinion on the canon to my thoughts on the fandom itself - and I will answer.