FIC OR TREAT - Kevin (Sin City) - For _calex_

Nov 08, 2008 03:01

Fandom : SIN CITY
Characters/Pairing : Kevin
For _calex_

Halloween. A parody. A shameful sin.
He was sitting on a bench in the street. He was watching people laughing and joking. Making fun of the Devil, making fun of God. Sin night. They were all lost lambs. Some of them knowing it, others not yet. But each one will find a shepherd to guide them. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Tonight he’ll save an errant lamb; tonight he’d commune with God. He is just waiting to find the lamb that needs him tonight as much as he needs it.
A little girl sat down on the bench crying.
“I can’t find my parents” she told him in her little voice.
He looked at her with his piercing blue eyes, his beautiful face turn to her. The lamb came to the wolf, its shepherd. Innocent.
“You can wait for them here, they’ll find you” he answered his voice sooth and melodic.
“I know” Answered le little girl smiling to him now smoothing her teddy bear hairs “I can trust an angel”

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [seasons] - halloween, [fanfic] - trick or treat, [fandom] - sin city

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