So we went to get an ultrasound on Friday at my doctor's request - just to make sure everything's ok and normal. Honestly, I was freaking out about the ultrasound because what if's were flooding my mind. What if they find something bad? What if everything wasn't normal? What if...??!! It could drive you mad. This was our first time to the hospital in the area. It's really quite nice! It's also the hospital where I'll also end up delivering the baby.
Saint Barnabas Medical Center. I hadn't known how close the hospital was to my parents' church (and also where Meanie and I got married)! The center is really nice and it's nearby the house so it's all good.
We got to the ultrasound place and we had to wait a little longer than the other people because I was a new patient there. But we finally got in and we got to see the baby again. We heard the heartbeat - which was normal and then we got to see him. And we made sure it was a baby boy. Haha. [Ugh, I tried to upload pics here but blocked here at work, go figure *rolls eyes* - you can see the pictures on my facebook] And we got to see scans of the baby. He's gotten a lot bigger since the last time we saw him and he's 2 lbs now! His head was in my pubic area and the rest of him was hanging out on the right side of my body, under the ribcage. I noticed he likes to hang out there and gives me a few kicks here and there. They don't hurt yet but they're starting to feel a bit strange. Kinda like grinding against my bones. Really odd sensation.
The doctor says that everything looks normal! His heart, his spine, his face! Yay! *sigh of relief* and that he's growing "beautifully". During the scan, they did a flash across the face and it looks like he's inherited his daddy's big eyes. Yay!
So yeah, we were both ecstatic upon hearing the good news. *two big sighs of relief*
On Sunday, we were enrolled in a 2-part Childcare class. I went to one a long time ago when my sister was pregnant with her first. The mid-wife/doula was very nice and she taught us the different stages of labor and even showed a videotape of labor. I was very nervous about watching it and it was pretty grisly but now that I know what's going to happen during labor (kinda), it seems to be less scary. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not looking forward to the pains of labor but it's all normal, right? It was like this unknown thing before but now that I've got some little clue, it doesn't seem as traumatically scary anymore.
We were in a class about 20 people; 10 couples. I noticed everyone staring at my belly bump and noticed that everyone else was way farther along than I was. I'm about 28 weeks tomorrow - the 3rd trimester. Oh boy! I've still got 3 months left and I feel like my time is very soon until I saw the rest of the women in the class. Those women were way bigger than I was and around 35-37 weeks pregnant. They're due in only a few weeks! Wow!
We were told to bring water and a light snack and I snook a peak to see what everyone was eating/drinking. Mainly water and fruit snacks. I noticed dairy foods give me a lot of acid reflux/heartburn these days and it's super uncomfortable. How in the world am I supposed to get my calcium and vitamins from dairy if it only causes me uncomfort? Everything dairy makes me feel blah - cereal with milk, yogurt, cheese, organic milk, everything! It's so frustrating. I want to eat those things (and are a big staple in my diet) but I can't because it's too uncomfortable. *sigh* I think I'm ok with ice cream but I can't go around eating gallons of ice cream without gaining a tonnage! Even a bagel with butter gives me heartburn. *sigh*
I think this baby is going to take after his daddy. My cravings lately consist of rice and bread - daddy's favorites. I like rice myself but I don't love it. And I think I prefer noodles over rice but now? I want rice and bread all the time!
We also learned some breathing techniques during labor. I don't know if that's the same as Lamaze? But it's the 2-count; 3-count and 4-count breathing and tips about labor. We also took a tour of the facility. It's a really nice hosptial! And all rooms are private at no extra cost and free wifi! Noice!
The 2nd part and the conclusion of the class takes place next Sunday. I think we'll learn some essential baby caregiving stuff. :)
On other news, my parents are leaving for Taiwan next Saturday for 3 weeks for their annual trip. So we'll have to housesit and take care of Tigger. But Meanie is going to have to scoop his poop because of the risk of toxicity in kitty poop is harmful to preggers women. I hope he'll fare ok. He's got a poop phobia - which he better get used to cuz Mignon is going to be spitting out a bunch of poop diapers soon! Heheh. There's no possible way I can change all of his diapers. Daddy's gotta do his diaper duty too!!
I've also started re-reading the Twilight series. I'm halfway thru New Moon now.. Hehe!
Funny thing: A co-worker told me today that he ran into someone in the mailroom and that she was totally raving about how good the Twilight movie was. She's never read the book but she and all her friends thought the movie was soooo goood! Wow. I guess you either love it or you either hate it. =X I hated it alot at first but after watching it for the 2nd time and watching all the bonus stuff, I can appreciate it more but it's still not "awesome". I'm hoping the next sequel will give it some justice. I hope!!!