Apr 15, 2009 09:51
Time is totally flying on by. I can't believe it's mid-April already! It's also tax day. Blegh. Luckily we got ours taken care of last week or so. The weather has been absolutely dreary this month. Cold and wet. Yukkiness. When is the warm spring weather going to kick in? I know it's here already because my lawn is covered with chirping robins and there are flower shoots coming out of the ground...
Yesterday, right before I went to bed, I felt this abrupt movement in my uterus. It literally feels as if Mignon was running sprints up and down my uterus or kickboxing! Usually it's just a kick here and there but not a rapid succession of kicks going up and down. Quite frankly, it really surprised me and I jerked upright! After I did that, he didn't do it anymore. Totally freaked me out! But now he's doing it again. I hope that doesn't mean he's going to be one hyper kiddie.
I'm looking forward to Friday. I'm taking a personal day to get an ultrasound done but I'm slightly worried because my doctor ordered this because my last office didn't get a good look at the spine and the face the last time. They had measured the length of the spine and deemed everything normal but you never know since they didn't have a good look at it. My doctor just wants to make sure that the spina bifida test is ok. I remember seeing the face the last time (well, the eye sockets) but I guess they didn't get the appropriate measurements the last time. He was a bad baby the last ultrasound. Always hiding! But it will be nice to see how my baby is growing.
Initially my dad was going to drive me to the ultrasound thinking that Meanie should save up his days for when the baby is born. His firm doesn't have paternity leave. But Meanie was adamant and he really wants to go to the ultrasound to see the baby. It's really quite exciting to see how far the baby has grown. I haven't gotten an ultrasound in about 3 months and it'll be interesting to see how much he's changed!
I talked to my co-worker yesterday about the firm's policy on maternity leave. She's already had 2 kids so I figured she'd know. And it kinda sucks! Maternity leave is 12 weeks - 3 months. You have paid leave depending on the type of delivery you have. So if you deliver your baby naturally (aka vaginally), you'll get 6 weeks of paid leave. If you have a caesarean delivery, you get 8 weeks of paid leave - because it takes longer to heal from. And it's about 70% of your current pay - which is better than nothing. But if you do decide to take disability before your maternity leave begins - that disability comes out of your vacation time. It's not extra time and it has to be a total of 12 weeks only. No more than that. So if I decide to take disability two weeks before my maternity leave, I'll have to return to the office in 10 weeks. Ew!
I'm due on 7/14 so I was planning on taking leave the start of July but then was thinking about taking off from mid-June as disability. So much for that! I think I'll end up working thru June and just take the start of leave the beginning of July. I don't really want to work up to my due date. I don't even want to imagine if I started labor on the bus on the commute or at the office. That would sooo suck. Especially since my doctor is in Jersey!
Blahhh..decisions, decisions....
maternity leave,