I've been awake for more than an hour already. My lower back is so sore that I couldn't find a comfortable position to go back to sleep, so I'm trying to type quietly so as not to wake my roommate.
Last night, on of the speakers said that when Edmonton was announced as the 2010 venue for the CAM conference, she was concerned that "it was a bit off the beaten path" and didn't think the attendance would be very good. Well, no worries there; this CAM conference has the highest attendance at a CAM conference so far! It was also pointed out that while the number of midwives (nurses & doctors as well) in attendance was impressive, it was even more overwhelming to imagine the number of hands in the room, and how many babies have been welcomed into this world, by all these hands. Quite amazing indeed.
The majority of attendees are midwives, of course, but there is a smattering of nurses, doulas, and doctors as well.
It was interesting to look around the room last night and see that there was at least one midwife knitting at each table around me, and even more CrackBerries on tables and in hands, as they were knitters. There are several mamas here with babies; two of them sat behind my table at the back room, crosslegged on the floor, nursing their babies. One of them was introduced as a midwife involved with the SOGC and she stood with the baby still latched, to give her 'wave' of recognition. Love it!
I sat beside
birthingway 's assessor for the Pathways program last night. I'll introduce myself as a fellow Pathways candidate today. My assessor was not able to attend CAM this year, but I will be meeting with her via Skype or phone later this month or early November.
As i browsed displays last night, I stroked dopplers, looked longingly at birth pools, marvelled at the high quality instruments, and lusted after the brand-spankin' new edition of Healing Passage. *le sigh* There will be no purchasing of this stuff until I'm further along in this process. If I don't get through this process, there isn't much use for a $700 doppler when I'm working in a Tim Horton's :-P
Enough for now. Time for a hot shower and some breakfast before the overload of information begins!