Feb 06, 2006 17:05
I've been looking forward to this day for a long time - halfway through the pregnancy and I went for an ultrasound this morning. Jack and the girls came along too although Julia was more interested in her "bribe", a rice krispie square I had stashed in my purse. Kim was interested enough but had a hard time making sense of the images. Anyway, it was *so sweet* to see our baby wiggling around inside me, taking a peek at her little hands and feet - Jack and I were both just tickled :)
Baby had "her" legs crossed but we didn't see any dangly bits so I think my guess at a girl is a good one. She had a full bladder, all of the ultrasound measurements and such were just fine, the amount of amniotic fluid was good etc. She was head down and posterior so we didn't get a great look at her face, but when he first started the ultrasound, we got a glimpse of her lips and chin as if she were kissing a window! Looked so funny!
Doc measured my fundal height at only 17 but I know I'm right where I should be, at the level of my umbilicus. My bp was higher than usual but we had been rushing around all morning before the appointment so I'm not stressing about it.
After the scan, my doc casually mentioned that I needed to get a GTT at 28 weeks. Ya, right. Without being argumentative, I told him I didn't want one and he said something high and mighty like, "Well, you're under *my* care now." I explained to him why I didn't want the GTT and suggested random blood sugars or a blood sugar test two hours after a meal. He said if my results were more than 6.7 he wanted me to get a GTT no matter what. I forgot how pushy ob's can be. I was spoiled with Anita who didn't push me like that.
We also reminded him that we are planning a home birth, unless baby is breech or some other complication comes up. Then we'd have the baby "under his care" in the hospital. I assured him that I was seeing a midwife regularly in Saskatoon and was continuing my prenatal care with my family doctor here in town. She's a bit nervous about my independent attitude as well, not quite comfortable with my decision to have a home birth. If she starts getting too skittish, I'll quit going to her I guess.
I just can't wait until midwives are integrated into our health care system here and then hopefully women won't be pushed and pressured like I was today.
I know I'm healthy, I'm confident about my body's ability to grow good babies and birth them safely, and I know that I'm getting good prenatal care. I don't appreciate anybody making me doubt that.