Instead of doing the Prior Learning and Education Assessment (
PLEA) to become a registered midwife in Canada, there is a new program coming into place; a
Bridging Program for internationally trained midwives (like me). It is being modelled after the
IMPP but it's being developed so that applicants can remain in their own communities to do the program, instead of relocating to Ontario for 9 months (IMPP). This Bridging Program will replace the PLEA as it is phased out - unfortunately (fortunately?) for me, it's implementation has already begun as a pilot project in BC, and the program should be available for the rest of Canada (?) next year.
What does this mean for me? Instead of starting the PLEA stuff now, I can sit tight and do it next year or do the Bridging Program next year if it's available. The pressure would be off me for a while if I decide to wait another year for the PLEA but it would mean it would be another year before I would be registered and practising. I would probably be able to get a bursary for the Bridging Program too.
I emailed someone for more detailed information about the Bridging Program, to find out if I should continue with my PLEA application or not. I've been planning to go through Alberta's PLEA but then I was considering Manitoba, since their requirements are easier to meet. Well, I've missed the deadline for the Manitoba PLEA for this year anyway, and since the written exam is held at the same time across Canada, methinks that I'm a bit late to get my stuff into Alberta as well. So, hopefully I will get some more info about the Bridging Program soon.
Waiting, waiting, and more waiting.