* I didn't get any school work or studying done this week.
* I just started two new classes and I have three more that are due to be finished before Christmas. One of them, I haven't even started yet.
* Charlotte has been napping pretty regularly in her bassinet and she doesn't seem to mind being put in there anymore.
* When I put Charlotte in her bed last night, she slept for more than two hours! Two hours of sleeping with no baby in the bed - would've been great but my back is so sore it hurts to breathe :-(
* Did I mention that my back is sore. It's been a bit messed up for a while but *after* I saw my chiro, it's even worse! I need a massage like, yesterday.
* I left a fed and dry baby with Kim (then Jack) this afternoon and I had a nap. Yum :-)
* Despite my nap this afternoon, I'm so tired that it feels like I'm dying. My legs ache and they feel like they're made of lead. I'm dizzy when I move too fast, and talking feels like too much work.
* Jack is leaving to work on location again so I'm solo parenting for three days next week. Yippee.
* I tried on some more of my pre-baby clothes and I've declared my body a biological anomaly. I'm 8 lbs below my pre-Charlotte weight, and 2 lbs above my pre-Abby weight and yet my hips and belly are fleshy freaks of nature. No body love here today.
* I'm getting excited about attending the
CAM conference in Vancouver this year, and I'll be able to skip over to the Island to see my family for a few days too! Only 46 more sleeps!
* I bought
this at Hellmart yesterday and it's my new obsession. Once I get started, I just can't stop. Even when I'm tired and my back is killing me, I CAN'T HELP MYSELF! Seriously, it's a sickness.