the house is quiet now

May 19, 2012 21:50

I woke up way too early for a Saturday morning but I stayed in bed and finished my book.  The ending was a disappointment, and now I'm wondering what I want to read next.  I'd like to read Harry Potter again but  Kim took her books with her.

I did my CPR recert this morning.  One of our local EMTs was the instructor, the same EMT who was first on the scene when Abby was born.  It was a little triggery for me but really, not terrible.  Now I can scan and email my CPR card to the IMPP.

My sister and her husband came from BC for a short but sweet visit.  They spent much of their short visit with my dad at his nursing home but we had supper together last night and again tonight.  It was good to finally meet my new BIL; he's such a nice man and my sister seems very happy.

I met up with my sister and BIL at my dad's nursing home this afternoon.  It's always hard to see him the way he is now but I know he was pleased to have us visit.

Once Jack was home we all went out for chinese food, and now my household is sleeping and I've got a hot date with some SOGC clinical practice guidelines.

my dad, family, cpr, reading

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