It's No Lie

Oct 17, 2005 19:00

EXCUSE MY VERBOSITY but, I vote for change.

Before you tell me that something is not severly askew in our government
Or that racism does not still exist
Tell me why families were still scrambling on their roofs 5 days after Katrina hit
Tell me why Mr.Bush was still on vacation 2 days after it was clear the Gulf was in need of emergency evacuation
Tell me why his admnistration held off rescue operations through mythical claims that Lousiana's gov. had not declared a state of emergency
Tell me why Bush claimed New Orleans "unreachable" yet 46 Canadians from a Vancouver-based search and rescue team traveled there, freeing 119 people from rapidly-flooding homes
Tell me why President Castro of Cuba offered English-speaking doctors to come aid in the Gulf Coast FREE OF COST and our government declined
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of (???)

I'm not going to stand around until we're paying $4 for gas
I'm not going to stand around supporting a war with no visible end
I'm not going to stand around until the next terrorist attack
I'm not going to stand around until my livlihood is threatened
or the economic prosperity of our families is in pieces
Are you?
I'm not going to stand up and protest like a nut with only insults in hand, either
I'm going stand up with passion, a vision, evidence, and a charge
I'm going to stand up for another president
because I know we can do MUCH better:

At a news conference Senator Nancy Pelosi, D-California said Bush's choice for head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had "absolutely no credentials."

She urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Brown.

"He said 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said.

"'I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.' And he said 'What didn't go right?'"

Say no more to persuade me he's truly the compassionate conservative Born-again Christian Mrs. Bush declared he was after Kanye West's remark. Say no more....

"As survivors are evacuated, order is restored, the water slowly begins to recede, and we sort through the rubble, we must also begin to come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not." - Howard Dean

"Katrina showed us the neglect of the government of the U.S., the failure of state government, local government and federal to answer the critical needs of our people. What happened to the response of the federal government to the victims of Katrina? I believe we can charge the government with criminal neglect to the people in the Gulf Coast."
"I firmly believe that if the people on those rooftops had blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin, something would have been done in a more timely manner" - Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan at the Million More March

"President Bush does not care about Black people" - Kanye West
It's no lie.
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