It's a great little ego boost when you pass a stranger in a stairwell and he compliments your perfume... even if he's zipping up his pants at the time.
I've captioned the most random & frustrating stuff this week. First, it was Supernanny, featuring a 7-year-old boy who screamed, "Wipe my ass!" Then it was a Christian talk show/telethon called
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I'm now very excited to start from the beginning and watch all of the seasons. I missed several, not sure why, because it's not like I was incarcerated or anything like that. I think that once I do, things may make more sense.
Sometimes, does Sydney's mouth look like a duck bill? I mean, I think she's very pretty, but occasionally she does this weird thing with her upper lip.
I was very sad to see Tom get blown. Not in a positive, life affirming way, either.
I love Marshall's wife. I also loved her on Felicity.
Let me just say that Sydney's mom is not very loving.
I am very confused by that scary Orson guy. It doesn't help that I do not like Kyle McWhatever anyways. He creeps me out.
I'm hoping that since Bree saved little bitch Danielle that they can have a better relationship now. I hope Andrew comes back. Everybody needs some gay in their lives. :)
I cried like a baby when Lynette and Tom were talking in the hospital. Probably because it hit a little close to home.
I look forward to seeing what Zach Young (is that his name?) does next season.
My wireless keyboard needs new batteries. It's missing keystrokes.
ITA about the lip thing. I think she's pretty, but she looks awful when she pouts. Mia Maestro (who played Nadia, the ghost lady) looks okay when she pouts. I'll leave it at that in case you missed chunks of S3 & S4 ;) I was sad for Tom, too. I mean, he finally kissed Rachel, then basically commited suicide. Moron. He could've gotten blown in a good way if he'd run to street level.
Heh, no one seems to like Orson. I don't like him because the Susan-Mike relationship doesn't need to be a triangle (or rectangle if you add Bree). I kinda hate Danielle, but I understand why she & Andrew are like that. (He wasn't in the finale, right? OMG, he's like the evil lovechild of B/J. I love that kid.) I really like Lynette & Tom. They seem like the only couple that's truly in love & want to work through the tough times. Although, I'm pissed at Tom's stupidity. You don't charge personal things on the business card! And yep, the kinda creepy kid is Zach Young. Mike's his biological father. Mary Alice & Paul Young adopted/bought then-baby Dana & gave him a less girly name.
Does your receiver thingy for the keyboard act up because of metal attached to the desk? Mine says there's metal in the way. Yeah, like I can rip that right off & still use the desk ;)
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