"There's nothing like being tied to a bed to change a girl's mind."

May 24, 2006 11:43

It's a great little ego boost when you pass a stranger in a stairwell and he compliments your perfume... even if he's zipping up his pants at the time.

I've captioned the most random & frustrating stuff this week. First, it was Supernanny, featuring a 7-year-old boy who screamed, "Wipe my ass!" Then it was a Christian talk show/telethon called Helpline. That show broke my WTF meter. At least I didn't have the segment debunking The Da Vinci Code.

Most of you have probably seen these, but just in case:

* The CW upfronts, posted by bliss_ -- Jensen wore very tight & very shiny pants, and melted my brain. For once, I barely noticed Jared. Pics of Kristen Bell being adorable and Tom Welling channeling scrufy!Gale Harold, too.

* Maybe I should just pimp everything bliss_ posts ;) She's also posted links to photographic proof that Gale Harold owns a razor. Or, at the very least, knows someone who owns a razor. Potato, potahto. I'd still have his scruffy stoner babies.

Also belated: yay, Barry! Say what you will, but I'm proud of him. I'm a lifelong Giants fan, and I'll always support him. Besides, he's not the first nor the only pro ball player to be suspected of using steroids. People like to forget that Mark McGwire gained nearly 50 pounds of "muscle" in the off-season and returned as a slugger.

ETA: Namibia rocks! Namibians vote on Angelina 'labor day'

Free stuff:
Eight songs I've heard a lot in the past week, seven old-ish, one new-ish.

Aerosmith, "Sweet Emotion"
Screaming Trees, "Nearly Lost You" -- Both songs remind of the best parts of high school: ditching class & playing the Star Wars drinking game.

Billy Idol, "L.A. Woman" -- I'll be brave & say it: once in awhile, Billy Idol rocks.

PJ Harvey, "Sheela-Na-Gig" -- I never knew what she was singing about, so I finally googled Sheela-na-Gig. Oh, my. Now I understand the line, "Put money in your idle hole."

Depeche Mode, "Master and Servant" -- The song that introduced most suburban kids to S&M.

Bob Dylan, "Subterranean Homesick Blues" -- Love the video (link at bottom of page) and the lyrics.

The Doors, "Hello, I Love You" -- I don't care if fans consider this a sellout pop song. I like it, and it makes me think of sex.

The Raconteurs, "Steady as She Goes" -- Jack White's other band. (Well, one of them.) I hear this song three times a day. The novelty's starting to wear off.

Alias series finale:
* I liked it, despite the WTF moments & borderline corny ending.
* Tom, what the hell were you thinking? By letting yourself get all blowed up, you missed out on congratulatory hero sex with Rachel. Fool.
* Okay, Sloane faithfully & foolishly followed Rambaldi... because he wanted to destroy urban areas & make millions off the reconstruction?! What in the hell? Sloane desired immortality so he could be a contractor? And although he's immortal, he apparently didn't gain strength.
* No one fucks with Jack Bristow. What a way to die. I'll admit it: Jennifer Garner made me cry a little during Sydney & Jack's farewell scene. She's a great cryer, though not always a pretty cryer.
* I laughed so hard when Sloane channeled Gollum ("The sky...") and made those creepy gurgling laughs.
* Dude, the Francie appearance/flashback wasn't worth the hype. Either give us the Francinator or give us nothing.
* Sydney, remember what happened last time you went to Hong Kong? Good thing it worked in your favor this time.
* Wish they'd used Lena better & given us less of the snowy scenes.

Desperate Housewives finale:
* Don't forget: long hair always means your watching a flashback.
* Best move-in day introduction: Lynette & Tom. Heh.
* Mike should know better by now. Anyone (besides Julie) who gets near Susan is asking for a heap of bad luck, or a roll on the front lawn with Karl.
* I want to feel sorry for Gaby, but I can't. She sapped me of Gaby-sympathy when Lily was taken away.
* I do feel sorry for Lynette. That Nora chick is annoying as hell and not at all a rip-off of Anna from GG. I think the Diner of Public Embarrassment is down the street from work.
* Flashback Danielle made me long for Joan of Arcadia. And yay, Rex! I miss him.
* Were Andrew and Edie even in the finale? I miss them, too.
* I knew it! I knew Matthew was the real killer! In his defense, that Melanie Foster girl was a megabitch.
* Spin-off I'd love to see: Karl & Carlos sharing a bachelor pad, arguing about the phone bill and fighting over the last Hot Pocket.
* Agent Cooper Trey Orson, why would you run over Mike? Sure, he can be annoying but not annoying enough to run over.
* Aw, bye, Betty & Caleb.

Off to Sephora (I hope), then to work. mamafunny2000, Sephora sells some Prescriptives products in-store. Anything in particular you're looking for?

dhousewives, free stuff!, work, alias, music

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