Measure of my dorkitude

Jul 10, 2005 19:59

Quick health update on this stupid sinusitis. Bloody noses? Last week's news. The new annoying malady is a stufed-up ear. The ache went away overnight, but my left ear is still muffled. That bastard.

I skipped half of Queer as Folk 508 and all of 509, because I couldn't wait for the B/J reunion in 510. (And that's sooo not a spoiler unless you're a delusional B/M fan.) When etoile_du_soir said they used Bright Eyes' "Lover I Don't Have to Love," I was thisclose to watching 510. But when she called it the Best Episode Ever, rivaling 308 (!), I caved. Ah, it was so worth it. I'll hold off on comments until everyone else has seen it (or has caved and asked for a copy).

List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.

Tagged by sravenk and kelbelle.

1. I know the titles of (almost) every episode of The Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel.
Ok, so a lot of fans know the episode names from their favorite shows. But these 612 (so far) total episodes are not easy to remember. There's no simplistic naming pattern like on Friends ("The One With/Where ___") or Scrubs ("My ___") or one-word titles like the L&O shows. None of those shows' ep titles can compete with "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'" or "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb." If you give me a quick summary of an ep, I can name it, and vice versa. At one point, I could rattle off a season's content in order.

2. When I read fanfic, I correct typos and grammar errors. And no, I'm not working as a beta when I do this.
I used to be a reporter/copy editor/statistician, and I cannot turn off my internal copy editor. My first fanfic foray was in Buffy, which is full of lengthy canon & AU fics; some so lengthy that I'd copy/paste them to read later on. Practical, sure, but when I see red squiggles underneath a misspelled word, my right hand twiches & next thing I know I'm running spellcheck. It's not OCD so much as a habit. But back then, I got paid to do fix typos. BTW, from the AP Style Guide: it's impossible to have a "first annual," as an "annual" must be held in at least two successive years.

3. I feel the need/enjoy painting as vivid a picture as possbile, sometimes to the point of describing something in too great detail.
It's not that I think people are dumb -- hell, I don't even bother trying to explain things to fucktards. I just like to make sure that whatever I'm saying/writing is completely understood. Sometimes it's in a concise sentence or two, sometimes its in a Stephen King-length paragraph on steroids. The more details, the better. Because no one ever died from too many details.

4. I like wave at babies and/or smile at every child under 10.
I like children, except the ones who are rude and/or act like assholes. Maybe this habit is more sweet than dorky. But when I'm at Disneyland with Best Friend it can get tedious, because OMFG there's kids everywhere. And yeah, if they ignore me or act like a jerk, I mutter mean shit about them & their parents.

5. I love Target, and wish I could do all my shopping there.
If Target were a man, I'd marry him. But that's only if things don't work out with my first choice, Netflix. My dream store is a combined Targer/Trader Joe's/Sephora, with Netflix available.

Tagging (need to get some of you out of hiding):
megandjim, ultraviolet730, mamafunny2000, sooozie1982 (because we need to tag you twice), and marbyco

P.S. for lostingeekdom: Hope Dennis went easy on Alabama. E-mail me when your power's back on.

memes, being a dork, qaf

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