I'm finally feeling wll enough to run errands, though I'm still afraid of sneezing too hard. Eh, it's better than feeling too dizzy to drive. Besides, I really need to buy toilet paper and beer before the weekend. And wow, that sounded like something my ex would write. I might be sicker than I thought.
Four quickies things before I (eventually) head out:
1. Stole a meme from
softeranswer, who always posts the thought-provoking and fun memes.
aivilo_18 asked for Logan/Weevil (from Veronica Mars) icons. Made one quickly last night.
3. Two caps of Beecher and Keller wrestling, because
lostingeekdom didn't recognize the boys in the icon I posted yesterday. Also, because B/K wrestling is hot.
4. Judith Miller of the NY Times is one ballsy lady, to stand before the high court and refuse to name her source. I never had to worry about something so severe (it was sports, which is fuelled by unnamed sources), but I'd like to think I'd react the same way. I understand the government's desire to track down her source, but forcing a journalist to do so is insane. If that were the norm 30 years ago, Woodward & Bernstein would not have been able to expose the Watergate break-in. Judith Miller expained it perfectly: "A promise of confidentiality once made must be respected or the journalist will lose all credibility and the public will, in the end, suffer."
1. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that... I like to work out differences/disagreements, and I always back up my friends (especially if they pick on
megandjim!) Oh, and I'm a freak magnet. OK, that's three things. * shrugs *
2. My "happy place" is... in bed under all the comforters, or on a beach in Malibu with my notebook.
3. My favorite person in the world is... eh, too many to list.
4. I love fandom because... it always brings Teh Gay and Teh HoYay, and because I meet cool people. Fanbrats excluded, of course.
5. I can't live without my... tv, DVD player & DVDs, computer, car, Target, Netflix, pens/pencils, and notebooks.
6. I am most afraid of... dying alone, and gigantic bugs like the klind you see on late-night talks shows.
7. I feel most alive when... sharing drinks and a good laugh with friends, or driving up/down the 101 near Pismo Beach. (omg, it's so gorgeous & peaceful.)
8. My most recent dream was... can't remember much except that I was trying to solve a mystery. Hmm, need to stop rewatching Veronica Mars before going to bed.
9. My "comfort food"/"comfort song"/whatever is... food--Guinness or Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide; movie--"Bridget Jones' Diary" or "Bend It Like Beckham"; TV show--Buffy seasons 2 and 3; book--anything by David Sedaris; song--all of The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
10. If I could take back one thing, it would be... the knee-high boots I bought a couple years ago. They're too tight & sweaty. I should've spent more for the good ones.
11. If I could change one thing about the world, it would be... to get rid of Ugg boots, ruffled slut skirts, manpris, and trucker hats once and for all! Seriously, I'd get rid of hate and ignorance, then work on the other stuff.
12. My political beliefs are... liberal, though I'll admit to seeing some reason in Republican values, but not the hardcore conservatives ones.
13. My views on love are... romanticized. I'm a fool for/in love, but I'm also a cynic. Been burned too many times to not be a little cynical :)
14. Theologically speaking, I am a... Christian, though I havent't been to church in a while. That's not counting all the times I went to mass with Best Friend. (Catholism fascinates me, especially all those saints. Though it felt weird not taking a Bible to service.) And I believe in some combo of creation and evolution. Does that mean I'd be rejected by all religions?
15. My sleeping position of choice is... on my side or my back.
16. The quality that I adore/detest most in a person is... detest--ignorance and hatred (kind of go hand-in-hand); adore--compassion and a good sense of humor.
17. Honey Nut Cheerios are... yummy, especially with Splenda sprinkled on top.
18. The key to my heart is... honesty, loyalty, open-mindedness, and free Guinness or MAC/Lancome.
19. A defining quote for me is... "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think." - Dorothy Parker. Or, a more polite one from Mrs. Parker: " The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
20. The meaning of life... a movie featuring the Monty Python guys.
Screencap from Veronica Marsepisode, "The Girl Next Door" (1-7)
Screencaps from Oz episode "Family Bizness" (2-7)