Work Sucks

Mar 26, 2007 13:26

OK, So i was working backshift the other day ad the girl i was working with came in early because she "knew' it was gunna be busy because of this huge hockey/pool tournament going ont he whole weekend, and yes we were busy.

So since I wasnt baking I had to do the sandwhich unit and stock, which I dont mind, but what I did mind was that the girl who was baking was suppose to clean the bars and machines etc while i was doing hte sandwhich unit and she didnt. She stood there almost hte whole night talking to some guy she didnt know, she was behind on her bake, because she was dilly-daddling and when the supervisor came in the morning she was like "why does it look like nothing was done?"

After she inspected alot of stuff, she made US do extra chores and kept us for an extra house because the other girl didnt do her fucking work!

This is the kind of bullshit i have to put up with, its not my fucking fault she didnt do her shit so why should I have to do extra chores?!

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