Among Others by Jo Walton

Oct 09, 2013 20:25

So many thoughts about Jo Walton's 'Among Others'. Loved it. It spoke so much to me and my own adolescence. We are contemporaries, born in the same year, but at opposite ends of the earth. Her narrator and main character, Mor, reads and loves many of the same books I loved at the sae time. Like Mor (and Walton, according to what I read), I too felt almost entirely isolated from others, feeling as though almost no-one else thought and experienced the world like I did. I was lucky, though, I did have my R.O.D. who did think the same way, and other friends as well. Like her, I found validation in a boyfriend and was prepared to excuse his behaviours for the validation our relationship gave us. Like her, I loved Heinlein, but wasn't quite sure about the incest in Time Enough for Love. Unlike her, school was the place I wanted to escape and home was my salvation. Unlike her, I didn't see fairies or use magic.

Anyway, thank you, Jo. Thank you for reminding me how the books I loved, loved me back, and how glad I am that I found my karass in fandom.
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