Jul 22, 2010 20:33
I am a very bad blogger. I realize this. It didn't really seem to be very popular but then I forgot it was more for me anyway...and I need it now so back to the grind stone.
The last month has been crazy. I've been working like a slave (nothing meant by it) and I've been living a little. Hanging out with a few old friends (none of the ones I thought I would) chillin with co-workers, most of which whom I like a lot. I've been clubbing a little. I was never a big one for the clubs and I still am not but its a good once in a while thing. I've been trying to wrap my head around the new things coming up in my life for late summer and fall. That's about it. Not really too much to post about the 'exciting' summer. It's actually kinda funny because I remember when me and my used-to-be best friends would try to make summer as fun as possible. Ix-nay on that!
8:18 (Let go on the Radio)
You know to jump straight to the point, I realize how simply pathetic I've become. I think in my heart of hearts I always knew how silly it was to attempt to tie yourself down knowing the fragility of life. My mind BEGGED me not to because there is nothing rational about giving your heart to someone else when you're the one who knows whats best in the end. I am guilty. I did. I tried. And I failed. The funny thing is that there maybe be no one who learns better from failure than me. I had plenty of opportunity to fail in life yet here I stand on the brink of something big at 20 years old. Though momentarily blinded maybe I can see clearer now...
8:22 (Neighbors Know my Name on the Radio)
It did happen like a slap in the face yet all the same I can't say that I am shocked. And now I am torn. I am a cut your losses kind of a person. I didn't get to where I am in life by crying. I didn't get to where I am in life by dwelling on what I don't have. I made mistakes. I fix them. I move on. Life is too short.
And what does she want? I used to ask myself. How does it feel knowing that nothing you do will really ever be enough? I used to ask myself as well. Maybe we were just a good young couple... Truthfully I try to remain unbitter. If all I did was facilitate some space in someones life in order for them grow and prosper on their own then I can accept that.
8:27 (It's Over on the Radio)
I found out that I do hurt, I do bleed, my heart aches, I feel pressure and anger and everything that goes with giving on person complete control of your "heart strings", but for goodness sake I am the same stubburn son of a bitch I always was: I may heart but I will never slow down. I may bleed but thats whats band-aids are for (i'll get one myself) My heart may ache but so does my hamstring. I'll get over it and live to play another day. I may feel pressured and angry and pissed off, betrayed, and completely setback on where I am emotionally in life but its ok because I didn't get to where I am by feeding off other people. Other people are guest in MY REALITY! "Stay true to your own thoughts, morals, feelings, etc, even if it means shutting everyone else out. They only see what you want them to anyway"
Because I we're not coming back.