(no subject)

Jul 26, 2006 16:29

Well almost two weeks have gone by!

I'm still in Kaunas, Lithuania, staying with family. It's been a lot of fun! The house is crazy. It's a small typically sydney sized apartment, but there are 9 of us here ( soon to be 10, yeah I'm going to be a second uncle or something ).

Firstly, the food is amazing! I'm running about 8km every second day and still dont' think I'm working off all the lovely food I've been eating. Oh, and possibly all the beer... it's so tasty and cheap, it's hard not to drink. Seriously, I've drunk a litre or beer minimum each day. Eh, while in rome?

We spend the weekend in Klaipeda, which is the 3rd biggest city in Lithuania, right on the coast of the baltic sea. It is THE place to be in summer, because, well, it's the sea. :) They have a yearly Sea Festival there. Tens of thousands of people roaming the streets and looking at markets, live music, drinking, eating, all that Jazz. It was good fun. And I met up with a couple of Lithuanian travellers who spoke english, bought a bottle of vodka, and went out dancing from 11 till 5am. Good fun.

These are the people I met up with, clockwise from me, Agne, Veida, and Jonas.

The full albumn contains 12 pictures from the Sea Festival, which you can access here.

Here is a view of Kaunas Old town ( just the west end of the city ) at night time, from a local lookout:

This is one end of the "mall", Laisvés Aléja ( Freedom Avenue ). It's much longer than the hindley street, rundle mall, rundle street stretch. On the west side is "old town", and the east side is the newer. No dirty strip clubs that I saw tho. :)

St Michael the Archangel church ( Soboras ). This amazing sight is the work of Russian Architects ( hence the name Soboras, from the russian word for cathedral 'sobor' ). This is the equivelant to the malls balls -- right in the heart of the mall. Yep, Kaunas takes the cake over adelaide for central sights!

The locals just think of it as the place where all the weddings are held :)

There are 19 pictures in the Kaunas City albumn which you can view here.

More later... off to the city to dink and party for the night. Whee :)


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