Pics from my morning jog

Jul 14, 2006 15:01

So the hotel in singapore had a gym. And as most of you know, i go to the gym a LOT. The thing is, I USED to go to the gym a lot. The last 6-8 weeks has been nothing, whereas before then I would do heavy weight training 2-3 days a week and 5-15km runs 2-3 days a week as well. So. 8 weeks off, and what do I do? Go to the gym and get straight in to my usual routine, which is pretty intense. Suffice it to say I only got about 1/3 way through before I felt light headed and on the verge of throwing up. Oops. And 5 days later my chest and arms are still recovering.

But, gotta keep fit. So this morning I went for a 1h30m run around the local area. It was a great trail, and the weather was cool. Unfortunately it started raining heavily towards the end and I came back to the house dripping wet. The guys in bathers near the truck in the photos I'm going to link were filling up 3 water trucks, and had stripped down to their undies and were going for a swim while waiting. Then it started raining and they were enjoying it even more. I couldnt' help but enjoy it too. I normally hate running in the rain, but it wasn't cold rain, so didn't effect me as much.

Here are a few pictures from my run. We live near a lake area and a forresty park, and since the lake is the nearest water it doubles as a beach.

Here are the truck guys

They have strange public transport here. On top it's a tram, on the bottom it's a bus. This is the solution to all the arguments Chris and I have over melbourne's retarded public transport system, and extreme inefficient use of road space from our unsteerable trams.

Here's some local cuisine. My gramma used to cook these all the time, and I absolutely love 'em. The dumpling house has nothing on these babies

And a random scenic pictures of the lake

I should start putting this stuff behind lj-cuts, when I remember how they work. :)

There are only 16 photos in the album, check them out here.


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