The weather SUCKS!

Jun 17, 2005 18:19

I think its something like 57 degrees here! Its disgusting! Its freaking past the middle of June! Tomorrow is the last day of spring, and it better get real warm in a hurry because I am freaking out here. Brad says its nasty awful hot and humid in Quantico! I don't care, I would rather that than sitting here and freezing my ass off! Its cold! I'm hungry, I was some cereal. I have gotten like three letters from Brad in a row, and despite the fact that I just mailed three to him, its gonna take a day or two for him to get them and he probably hates me because I never write to him! I would love to write him everyday! But I didn't think he wanted that. At least he'll be able to call me. He said in a letter the other day that he fell off of something on an obstacle course and landed weird on his ankle, he said it rolled out to the side and he heard a few pops and then when he went to stand up he couldn't. He said he walked on it all day and then when he took his boot off it was all purple and huge so they made him go to Medical which he didn't want to do because he was afraid that they'd send him home. I guess he said they were amazed that he could walk on it, but he passed at the strength and movement excercises "fine", I don't know how much pain he was in when he did them, but I'm sure he hid it. He says now that its still purple but "good" and they gave him a little brace for it. I sure hope he's okay and it doesn't get really messed up, that would be really sad. I don't know how he could hide limping on it. I would think that if anyone saw him fall they'd make him go to Medical right then and there! I worry I worry! He worries about me too, that I am finding some other guy to replace him, like that's possible. Silly boy, he's my entire life and I'll love him forever and ever and then some. He's everything for me and he makes the sun rise and set in my world. I love him so much its sometimes insane.

Last night Andrea came over and we had a Mary Kay party, which was really cool. The whole Mary Kay thinkg sounds kinda cool because you kinda get to choose the level of involvement you get in it. Andrea said that one of the reasons that she did it is because she wants to be a stay at home mom and it would allow her to do that. She is even going for the whole car earning thing. Go her. I don't know if I would get that involved but I am pondering dabbling in it. It might be a good thing to do while I am moving around a million times with Brad in flight school. But I just don't know how practical it is to let a nursing degree just sit on hold like that, but how am I gonna get a job if we really have to move every six months you know? And I don't really want to live someone that he's not because I am sure we'll have enough oppurtunitites in our lives to be apart from eachother we don't need to add more. Anyways I spent entirely too much money, but its cool, I like the stuff I got and hostessing was fun! Besides I always like to see Andrea, I feel a connection with her that can only be explained by the fact that we are both in love with Marines, its kinda neat, I imagine once I am married it will be stronger. I think she and Chris are thinking about having kids fairly soon. Which only reminds me that I still haven't seen Carley and Brian's baby, which makes me sad! I wanna see her before she gets too big! I can't wait to have kids! Maybe I could sell Mary Kay and have kids while Brad is in flight school. Haha. How much of both of our families would frown on THAT! Um, yeah all of them! Alright I am gonna go check in with grit's girls!
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