Aug 26, 2002 18:07
Heys. Wow,Im updating early today. Anyway,I just hit my head so hard on the corner of the wall and it hurt's really bad! AND there's a big ole bump on my head AND I have picture day tomorrow. Ouchies :( So Jerry + I woke up around 5am and we finally got up and took a shower around 5:30 and didn't get out til like 6:10! So I got ready for school and we left at 7am this morning. On our way to school there was this cop and he took off and like 1/2 mile later he pulled us over because his truck is missing a donut seal because it broke off and he hasn't bought one yet,well he has but it hasn't came in yet cuz they had to get it delivered. So the cop gave him a fine and if he goes up to the PCD within 30 days then there's no fine just the processing fee which is $11,but if he don't then he has to go to he needs to go get it fixed. Anyway,Joe cooked us steak tonight..pretty good. Im so full. I think we're gonna go running soon though. Also,Jerry ain't spending the night either! :o( Blah. Oh wells. Today at school I had a headache! :o( Until like 7th period then it went away. So Im going to go maybe I'll update later tonight....
*Oh yeah,Jerry has a new schedule now instead of him working everyday except Friday from 4:30-12am,he's now working monday,tuesday,thursday-4:30 thru 12am. Wednesday-3:30 thru 9:30 Friday + Saturday-off and Sunday-all day* Hopefully his new schedule will be better I dunno?