Translation: Duet 2010-02 very first part

Jan 07, 2010 05:42

This very first part of the article in February issue of Duet,with kanji, seemed really interesting to me so as it was also quite short i tried to translate it.

This is my first time trying to translate an article and i may have made mistakes as i still have a whole looot to learn :D But if i never give it a try i won't learn :)
So i decided to share what i translated.

So please please if you notice any mistake tell me ok? ^^
Oh also some of the difficulties i had were also trying to express it in english as it's not my forgive the english too :D

2009 was a year with great achievements
What kind of Arashi will 2010 reserve us?

Work- public&private- personal aspirations and goals, they told us all and each of these and represented it with an ideogram.
Moreover we also have the report of the recent happenings in the periode between the end of november and the middle of december.
Toward japanese style tastes, japanese Arashi (even if i'm not sure at all if 和の嵐 here has another meaning, i'm simply trying to translate it like that but would anyone help me telling me if it's not correct?)  and the links between Arashi..
Firstly let's start with Arashi's Kazu(nari)!
( note: i think this is a  play on words as the kanji for “Kazu”和(kazu)也(nari) is the same for “japanese” used before, so probably meaning both the part of the interview about the ideograms and the fact that Nino is the first one :D)

Ninomiya Kazunari
寅Tora (tiger)
So this year is tiger year after all (sneers)
As i tiger i will bite everything with my fangs,sharpening them! (omg am i right here? XD)
Meanig that.. i'm going to put all my effort!
Waiting for work ~

Ohno Satoshi
籠(籠る or 籠もるkomoru be confined)
Confined isn't it..
To confine in my room and complete the works i'm drawing.
Saying that may sound as private but i have this idea of  exhibit them in an exhibition, ah but there is also work!(smirk)

Matsumoto Jun
一 ichi (one)
The ideogram for the number one.
One by one a day after another, a step after another step..and so on, that is the meaning it brings.
It's like somehow don't going past, but while feeling properly the days i want to go forward.

(ah this guy can be so simple but at the same time so deep *_*)

Aiba Masaki
明 (明るい akarui bright-cheerful)
So it has got be akarui.
I think it would be really great if, concerning everything,it could become a bright new year.
I wanna be cheerful, instead of gloomy(laugh)
(note: also “ wanna shine instead of being dark” could work?)
It is that sort of feeling, yes.

(aah Aiba you're so clear ** thank you XD
Mm how could Miracle boy not shine? We hope too you will!!)

Sakurai Sho
次 tsugi (next, following)
I have the feeling it has become a new stage.
I think with our 10 years we really passed an important line, so both personally and with Arashi i think i'd like to go to an even more higher stage.
It's difficult to express it in a more concrete way, but it's that feeling where i don't wanna stand still and stop, but keep going on.


Hope it was interesting^^
(sorry i couldn't resist commenting some parts :D)
And i keep saying it: don't hesitate to correct anything you find ok? :D

I'm not going to go on because i'm too slow, moreover the following part is very long and difficult XD
I just wanted to try this! ^_^

Bye bye ;)  

arashi translation duet

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