
Oct 17, 2005 07:10

neh, woke up in the morning. gah I was so dead last night. absoletly nakard.

First went to visit my nan in hospital. I said I wanted to go on my own, because I would feel better. I just had an emotional barrier that I needed to go through on my own, whether anyone understands what I mean about that or not. Not with my nan...just mainly about myself.

Even though I was expecting this when I asked her, I was really disapointed when I asked her what she thought of homophobia and stuff like that. I obviously asked in a way, that didn't show that I was well...ya know. She just whipped out her bible and started telling me basically the religous meaning of it all.

But then I said what about if the person really loved a person from their own gender. But still she said it was wrong. That there are different kinds of love and people often misunderstand that and mistake it for someone else. How can she say that on behalf of someone else? That I do not understand. At the end of the day, a person should like someone for their personality in my opinion. bah...I guess I just have to respect her opinion and just...well....never make her find out that I am bi xD

But because I was allowed, I went to troc in the end. I didn't say I wasn't going to go, I said it was unlikely of me to because my mum wouldn't allow it. But I was allowed in the end. So I went. Was expecting tno see ricky but he did't go. *pouts* But I bumped into kris, trix and rob. So I just hanged round with them most of the day.

Then after when they went, I hanged round with omar until about 10 and went home with him on the same bus. He was telling me about him going up to Ilforf tomorrow with rob. He asked if I wanted to come along so I did.

So on Sunday I met Omar at Wood green about 12 and went to Ilford with him to meet Rob. Had a good time. Raped the machine. Well...kinder. And blah =P They were laughing at me cause they could see my underwear when I was on the machine. BAH!! Why does it always happen to me?!

Got an AA, and like...nearly AA'd bunch of other songs. And now my fingers decide that it will allow me to AAA on stepmania now. :/
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