grass babies, oil babies

Sep 28, 2003 12:39

Our lawn is coming in - and it happened overnight! Friday I was thinking we shouldn't bother watering anymore cuz the seeds weren't going to grow and Saturday morning we had our first little grass hairs sprouting up. I can't decide if the hairs are cute or if they gross me out. They're all super-thin and scattered and something about seeing these delicate growths in masses of thick clumpy barren dirt gives me an icky feeling. And when I ran my hand over the tops of them, eeehhhhhwwwwwwww

I can't figure out what to do today and the weather is gorgeous and I want to be outside's not motivating me. Some days it doesn't matter what I do - I just feel satisfied with time off from work and perfect weather. This weekend, though, I've felt a little anxious and the only thing I can pin that on is having bought a huge amount of essential oils on Saturday. I'm totally excited about them because now we totally have a huge and diverse array of oils to make spa products but I think I'm overwhelmed. Each one has a specific healing property to them, and I have books to help me determine that, but they each also have their own smell and mixing them is going to take practice before we get a mixture that smells totally heavenly. I mixed up a tiny batch last night and followed a recipe to the T, but the resulting aroma was not so nice so I added a few drops of something else and now it smells like Pez. But this is how we're going to figure out what our magical mixtures are going to be - we're not always going to get it right the first time. It'll be more fun when Leslie does it with me cuz it'll feel like playtime.

I got a book of 365 goddesses to see if any of them will be good for naming the spa or different oil mixtures. I found 13 that have a nice sound AND are meaningful and related to health, cleansing, spirituality, femininity, power, insight, etc. So Leslie and I can look through that together and find the name we like for our products. That and mixing oils and a bottle of wine - me wanty.

I had my performance review and it went fine. Our scores did differ in a couple places but she only scored me lower than I scored myself one time. She gave me lots of praise and said things that felt great like how gifted I was and how much everybody likes working with me and how she hopes they could keep me in case I started getting ideas about getting into a more glamorous design gig. For now I have no thoughts about that because this job is the right amount of design plus the work pace is generally not taxing on me. I'm not interested in late nights and massive client interaction like at an agency or firm. Anyway, I'm working on getting out of the 9-5 office world within the next few years so it's not like I'm setting goals as far as my design job goes.
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