(no subject)

May 11, 2003 16:35

well its sunday,and ive been bad and havnt writen all weekend. i went to the cinema last night with adam 2 see Old School. quite funny in some parts,but reasonably ok in all others. it was cool to go somewhere different. he sulked coz he had to pay £6 for both our tickets, but i won affection back by buying a Tex-Mex Whopper from Burger King for him...love him. and yesterday was work day too. it was ok. dragged on a bit coz my feet really hurt at the time, but i got new shoes after which hurt even more...stoopid things. and yeah,it was all cool.

adams just left, hes gone to the pub with his cousin Danny...who's cute,but not as cute as adam. lol. and now im left with ironing to do,which i dont fancy doin really. i got loadsa jobs and revision to do, and i burnt the lamb dinner so mum,lisa and dad have gone to the cinema...coz they we'rent amused.

lisa had a race today,she didnt win,but she came third and beat her PB (personal best for amy if she doesnt know wat it means coz i didnt) and so she's kinda chuffed.
well thats it really..theres probably loads i missed out,but i cant think at the moment,its the pile of washing looming behind me thats putting me off.lol.

well..il be off,if anything exciting happens il let ya know!

luv n snuggles.
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