(no subject)

May 09, 2003 22:11

hey. its not really that late,but im kinda tired.and hungry. adam turned up an hour late...his poor bike isnt well...he's just left so i thought id rattle on a bit on here before i go watch my taped corrie - im a sucker for soap opera's..its sad.hmmm adams just signed on and then off...grrr i hate it wen he does that..il text him instead,that'll annoy him.lol...

awww my baby,i love him lots. he does lots to make me happy. i was really upset today.i got a letter through sayin that if i didnt pass my math gcse then i wudnt get a place in 6th form. its not just me..its a compulsary thing for all year 11. im just really worried that i wont pass and il be left floating.i worry too much really.ahhh well.. natural born worrier is me. hmm... as long as i got him things will be ok. i told him "ur banded from breaking up with me until after my gcse's" its so that i dont get all heart brokened and hurt and lose concentration.

im also kinda upset coz this time last year adam cheated on me. i know it was a year ago, but he doesnt seem to understand how much he really hurt me, and how much it still plays over in my mind. he can be quite mean sometimes, like... say things when we row, and then we get upset over them he then goes "i didnt mean it,i said it coz i was angry" but i know people only say wat they mean when they're angry. like with dave. he said at christmas when we broke up he only went back out with me after he broke up with me (yes,he broke up with me when he cheated on me...how's that work?) coz he didnt want dave to have me. and he said he didnt mean it..but i mean...i cant help thinking that part of it may be true. i know it seems wrong that im still thinking about this a year on, but u know wat they say:- u can forgive but never forget. and i wont.it goes to the back of my mind sometimes, and thats alright, but other times il think about it for days, and sometimes weeks at a time.ahh my little head, i have enough distractions for the time being, i think il leave this one alone.

ugh talking of distractions and losing concentration..and i gotta get up for work in the morning...and theres coronation street to watch!

love n snuggles!
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