I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One

Feb 18, 2005 20:13

Yesterday I thought biorhythms were a stupid idea.
Today I think they're GREAT!

Somewhere there is a Master of the Slide Whistle.

You may be able to skip a pebble further, but a rock makes a bigger splash.

Las Vegas does not have a monopoly on "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil."

Assuming that we do, in fact, sleep in order to have dreams, and we do have dreams, in fact, in order to keep our minds from going crazy during awakeness and hallucinating (a few days without sleep and you are legally insane), then that says some things about the nature of reality. Among them, that it is not the default state for a higher consciousness, but requires effort.

You like a food if you've had it before and liked it or if in the tasting it reminds you sufficiently of other foods you've had and liked.

Laundry is stupid.
That's not a metaphor or anything. It's just stupid.

If the 60s-70s were cool in the 90s, and the 70s-80s are cool now, then next decade it will be the 80s-90s, but then won't that just mean an endless circle?

You can make the prettiest music in the world and all you'll do is alienate the people who hate pretty music.

Creative Writing: anagram::
Art receiving wit.

Anagram challenge!
Give us an anagram for

(with or without the "THE", as you wish)
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