
Oct 07, 2008 10:00

Next in what I think will be a brief series of brief updates on my current goings-on: Work!

I am feeling kind of sick and cold-ish so that is why I am not there yet.  After the decongestant kicks in, I will go in.

Which points up that I can come and go sort of as I please.  Regular hours are 9-5, but they are fine with anywhere from 7-3 (useful for beating rush hour to an afternoon appointment) to 11-7 (useful for when I wake up feeling horrible).  Lunch is covered.  Also it pays considerably better than any temp job I've had before... like twice as much.  The temp agency I'm doing this with, AdNet AccountNet, is small and personal-touch-like, actively trying to get us more money (in fact they got us a $5/hr raise after the first week) and help us with our taxes and stuff, in contrast to the Big Corporate agency I did everything with before.

I'm at this job until mid-November, at which point, if my deliberative search for full-time work hasn't gotten me something, I trust AdNet will get me something else (possibly a permanent job).  I'll have two months' rent & expenses in the bank at that point to cover myself should things be rocky.  My most recent hope for a full-time job: a research job at Vocus right nearby in College Park, which is actually very similar to this temp position in two ways.

One, Vocus has all kinds of modern Google-style employee-appreciation stuff, like ping-pong tables.  My temp job does too, which is why it is AWESOME.  Also sometimes HARD TO CONCENTRATE.

Two, the work itself is similar - internet research.  We at the temp job are composing/editing annotated bibiliographies for the Department of Labor about child labor and forced labor in every other country in the world.  Actually interesting, if also highly upsetting at times.  The kind of stuff me and my fellow temps can do well, all of us being English-major types.

Which brings me to the last point of the update, and that is that my two temp-roommates, Kate and Ashley, are great.  We are a little temp cabal.  Help each other out, lunch together, occasionally when on break watch a Tina Fey-Palin video together.  Altogether it'd be hard to ask more of a jobby-type job, really.  Even the view is nice up on the 8th floor of that 16-floor blue-window building you can see on the west side of 95 about a minute after you get on it northbound from the Beltway.  You know the one.

Well I am feeling less stuffynosed, so I will go there.

Next update:  WHO KNOWS.

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