Skeedle Lee Dee

Jul 01, 2008 12:13

All sorts of randomness.

Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical ( and the late night show have gone well.  This weekend is the last weekend.

A week and a half since my last temp job ended; they've only offered my crappy data entry at 10/hr since then, which I've declined, a luxury I won't have after moving out, most likely.

Sitting around all day with no obligations but plenty of personal projects to tackle (house-hunting, writing, writing, writing) has an odd way of leading to sitting around all day, doing.  nothing.  Whatsoever.  Unless you count nearly completing DinoRun.  Don't click on that link unless you want addictive Atari-style retro video gaming Apocalypse-surfing action.  WHICH WHY WOULDN'T YOU.

Anyways.  It's also damn lonely, everyone else being at work.  I tend to call people last-minute in the evening and ask if they want to hang out but I tend to pick the people who are about to go to sleep, rehearsing and/or seeing their significant other that night.  Need to try different people.

My roommate-to-be recently told me she has to drop out of house-hunting with me, which if that is the case I don't know what I'll do.  There's a slight chance of availability to move in with some SMers (say that in a weatherman voice).  But the opportunity to move in with that particular good friend who is also part of a mutual circle of friends, and thus the prospect of an instantly coalesced social life, was something I was anticipating, a step forward for my future, besides the other previously-stated reasons for wanting to move out.

I feel much on a cusp.  If, once I hear back from her (because I'm not sure if she wants me to wait, or just go without her, and I'm concerned by her sudden drop-out) it's definite she's not in, and if the SMers fall through, then my move-out option is: go it alone, or find some random roommate(s), neither of which is super-appealing.  I feel that, as high school friends exodus to New York, Seattle, Savannah, and the Southwest, I have less and less ties to the DC area, although of course comparatively far more than I have with any other location.  Of the three or four friends I talk to most regularly (online or otherwise), two or three of them live completely elsewhere (but of course not in the same elsewhere).

I feel like a tenuous yet on the whole decreasing network of, for the most part, medium-friendships and acquaintances are what hold me here, as well as a vague sense of starting to get into the theatre scene.  Actually knowing theatres and theatre people is the best way to get one's plays produced, and to improve one's craft as a playwright.

So by and large I'm sort of waiting, at the moment, to see if the social and theatrical opportunities increase, or whether I should just go full-out quarter-life-crisis style and run off somewhere randomly.  Possibly in Kerouac fashion.

In good news, I was selected to be a guest Fringe & Purge reviewer by the City Paper for the DC Fringe Festival, although whether or not I can make the information session depends on this whole mess of other possibilities/scheduling issues which I won't get into at the moment.

On the playgoing front, seeing Antony & Cleopatra tomorrow, saw 'art' on Sunday (very very good), saw "In the Heart of America" a week ago (some good moments, some very pretentious ones) and several Source Festival shorter work evenings (hit-or-miss).

Leftover pasta calls.  Mmm.
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