VP Debates

Oct 03, 2008 09:13

...were okay. Palin was too bulldogish at times about certain points, and she'd have been better served moving on. She tried hard to connect to the American people, supposedly, because she said that's what she was doing, as though they couldn't get it. She didn't back down, she didn't collapse quivering on the stage, and she didn't break down sobbing and run home to take care of her baby or wash the dishes.

Really, would the media have said those things about Hillary? That was pretty shameful stuff.

And I agree with Tony Brown: if it bothers you that she pronounces nuclear diffferently, does that mean you don't like Carter doing the same thing? The way she pronounces certain words isn't really relevant to what this was about.

However, I think Biden might have taken it. His "that's the ultimate bridge to nowhere" comment was a sound-bite blow that left her reeling. He was more solid and smiled a lot. Actually, both of them smiled a lot and were friendly overall. But I think he did a better job of expressing himself over the issues. Palin did a fine job of debating and public speaking. But if I had to declare a winner, it's Biden.

As an aside: If you had to take a drink every time she said "maverick," you'd have fallen over halfway through the debate.


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