(link)Ginny works at the Wizarding TV Company called DTV (Dumbledore Television), in the wizarding world, a few years after the Battle at Hogwarts, people found, in Dumbledore's belongings, a sketch and working prototype of the first Wizarding TV. Of course a few years after that, a group of Wizards and Witches created more of the Wizarding TV's
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Now! On to the rest.
I doubt it would take Dumbledore to invent a magic TV. Loads of Muggleborn or half-blood witzies would have tried that over and over again; you'd think the problem would be getting purebloods interested in it, since it doesn't seem to be part of their culture.
are starting a show called 'Beauty Pageant, Miss British Witch' where fifty Witches enter and each week one of them get voted off
And if their reality TV programmes last a YEAR, I can see why they aren't interested.
Oh, god. I hate inane stream-of-consciousness fics with no capitalisation. Why are there so many of them?!
J and Pavarti are awesome but they really only talk about make up and boys.
This, after you've spent the rest of the entries complaining about boys and your hair. :P
Luna had six, Draco had five, Ron had five, even some of the teachers had a few each, but no, Hermione had the most… seven, seven… seven… seven… seven ( ... )
But I shall give it some kind of a try. I will... I will. If you promise to stay by my side and provide some commentary, too.
What made you leave Deleterius?
It was after one of the many swastika fights; I think several people left during those.
I like the moderator of the community well enough, but it just seems sometimes like she's trying to mold the community into ass-kissing minions falling blindly into step with her beliefs. Like the anti-H/Hr link in the side bar. There were a lot of H/Hr fans that were sporking things. I left when it became not about sporking actual OFC sues but just about any non-canon pairing.
(And if you do, my google name is Harpsiccord)
I haven't got the books, but I made a post on them here, and you can read some more excerpts here.
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