(link)There seemed to be a maturity and hardness around her face making her pale face look like granite.
She smirked when she saw the surprise on his face and tapped her heel. “Done looking Snape?” she said in a disobedient voice and smirked again. He was surprised how much her smirk was like his. He figured this must be a prostitute or a scamp.
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I haven't got a witty remark, I just thought this excerpt should be celebrated.
Manny whispers appeared
"He was me Uncle Manny!" wept The Mouse And His Child. "I shall call him Manny Whispers!"
My parents were in a car acciedent on their way to a convention when a drunk driver hit their car.
They were in a car accident, then a drink-driver hit their car. Did a bus come along after that and pile into the drink-driver? No, presumably there were three of them.
"GRYFFINDOR!" screamed the no!
The no? No theatre? Ah, I've got it: it's meant to be "nose". Snape's proboscis has finally grown so large it's become an independent being.
Imigages started forming in my head
They're like greengages, but sillier.
He threw me out to despose of my "carcuss".
Oi, stop whining, mister - if you'd been in a car accident, got hit by a drink-driver and then by a bus, you'd cuss and all.
“Mione cous how is Hogwarts?”
It's like couscous, but hairier.
*Reaches the endnote* ...I should have known that pica_scribit was responsible for all this.
Thank to everyone for putting up with my tl;dr comments all year. Here's to an appallingly badly-written 2010!
“Mione cous how is Hogwarts?”
So cussing is okay, but what happens when Hermione gets told to "cous"?
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