Part CCCIV - a lala bye

Dec 31, 2009 01:55

There seemed to be a maturity and hardness around her face making her pale face look like granite.
She smirked when she saw the surprise on his face and tapped her heel. “Done looking Snape?” she said in a disobedient voice and smirked again. He was surprised how much her smirk was like his. He figured this must be a prostitute or a scamp.
(this ismy first fanfic, and im nervous about the reviews i dont really expect to get, the ones i do get, i hopewill be easy on the criticisim of both my writting and my radical change to the storyline of the world wide famous harry potter book series, by the way, ron should have died fom day one i hate him and his brother percy, plus i hate the last book which im told most people did so cheers my fellow readers i hope you enjoy this if i get three reviews before 60 days il post chapter one, for now i think this is enough of a hook for all)
Hermione was a college student from the city of London she desperately wanted to become a vet surgeon so she was focused on her studies. That night Hermione and her friends harry Ginny and Ron were going to hogshead for a butter bear and fire whiskey something they did for the last year and a half. When they arrived at the pub they each ordered a butter bear

**(link)      (Pottersues report)
out of the corner of my eye i noticed harry trying to hermione from killing ron
" You know potter, you should really wear a skirt, show a bit more of those beautiful legs you've got down there!"
" what?" i asked shocked.
" Wear a skirt...i hope i don't have to spell it out for do know what a skirt is don't you?!" draco raised his eyebrow at me before breaking his face into a smirk.
" Theres something wrong with you draco malfoy, but none the less, i'll wear a skirt tomorrow...if it will make you happy!" i replied sarcastically.
the next day i did indeed wear a skirt, quite a short one at that, underneath i decided to wear stockings, i was most definatly not wearing tights and i wasn't going to just wear nothing! i walked down to the great hall for breakfast with harry...after a while i noticed him gawking at me.
" what?!" i asked smiling.
" ummm nothing" Harry said quickly looking away and closing his mouth.
" Harry! stop it, you're my brother...its weird!" he laughed as we entered the great hall. it was then that i noticed harry wasnt the only one staring many boys from all houses were eyeing me, i laughed and went to sit down by ron and hermione who were both already sat at the griffindore table.
ron stared before saying " wooow! i bet you're annoyed that you're her brother now!" hermione kicked ron in the shin
(from the author`s notes)
In my last story I gave Harry a sister and I will in this one but her name will be different. Before his sisters name was Alex, this time her name it Kara. Some things will change from Alex to Kara. She has special abilities but not the four elements like before. This time, she can read a persons soul, (which will be explained later).
‘She smelt like strawberries it suites her. She has beautiful eyes too.’ He sat on the couch to finish eating his apple. The couch still felt warm from where she was sitting. After a few minutes he heard the sound of heals coming down the stairs.
Kara looked into the old mans eyes, and read his soul. She saw that he was desperate, fear, and pleading.
“Like your brother you have gifts that many people don’t have. Harry can speak snake. You can read a persons soul and can read and speak the ancient language of the dragons. Your mother could do this also.” Dumbledore said.
“My mom use to sing me a lala bye when I had trouble sleeping. Do you want to hear it?” Kara asked
She was wearing a strapless, knee length, Ombre Bubble dress and purple shoes that matched. Her hair was done in loose curls. ( it isn’t a poofy bubble dress. It curls at the bottom if that makes any sense).
“Are you Miss Potter jealous?” Draco asked.
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"Yes, three nights." he replies calmly, "Anyway, three nights ago, you were bitten by a vampire. I wasn't sure which type at first. It was either the vampires that can't go in sun because they burn, they die from garlic, and are mostly human, or it was the vampires with diamond-like skin, that sparkle in the sunlight, and are immortal. The three day transformation gave me my answer. You were bitten by a vampire that has diamond-like skin. You will now sparkle in the sunlight, so you will have to stay away from sun as much as possible. You are cold, have no blood running through your veins, and very pale. Your senses are all heightened and you will need to drink blood." he takes a cup from behind him and hands it to Ally. "This is some donated blood you can drink for the time being while I inform you of your new life."
"You said something about immortaltity?"
"Oh yes, thank you. You won't age. You'll be forever 15, but you look 17 anyway, so that won't be a problem. When school begins, I will look for a spell so you can go in sunlight. Possibly a shielding spell. Oh, and you don't sleep either. It just doesn't happen. On Septemeber 1st, you will move from your shared dorm with Chloe to the respective dorm the Sorting Hat puts you in.
"Okay, sounds good."
"Night Chloe." Ally read throughout the night and around 5 AM, she realizes the sun was rising. Wanting to see what her skin looks like, she runs outside. The sun sparkles off of her skin, giving the illusion she is covered with diamonds. She stares, awed.
"So this is what it's like, being a vampire."
"I was a Ravenclaw. The house of intelligence. You'll probably go there, because you're smart." Ally nodded in agreement, but only because she was the descendant of Rowena, so she'd probably be in her house.
(Pottersues report)
"I'm sure you remember your grandmother, Suzan. Yes...well, she was the most powerful witch in the world. She had invincible powers that Dumbledore and Voldemort couldn't possibly match. It was--" I interrupted her quickly.
"Wait. Who's that?" I asked. Dad handed me a booklet, and I read it. After a while, I got it all.
"So, you can see. When you were born, you had extraordinary powers. She decided you would be the one to kill Voldemort, so she gave all of her powers to you, causing you to be the most powerful and dangerous baby witch in the world. She died soon after. But, at that moment, you could do anything. And you did. You made the sunny day rain.
"So why have I not felt any of these powers?" I questioned. She and Dad winced.
"Well...we got you a wand when you'd be in your first year...but then we put a memory charm on you. You had the triplet of Voldemort and Harry Potter's wand, and we couldn't let you know. But it doesn't matter now! We'll give it to you to get your powers back, then you may go to Hogwarts!" Mum screeched. She presented the beautiful holly and phoenix feathered wand to me. I ripped it from her hands.
"Now, how do I get my powers?" I screamed.
"Tap the door with your wand and you will be hit by your invincible powers. It will hurt terribly, and you will be knocked out. When you wake up, you will most likely be on the train to Hogwarts.
The earth below thousands of belligerent wizards and witches feet rumbled in its angry glory flipping bodies all over the mass of rubble. Louder and louder the searing battle cries grew with each drop of crimson blood that spilled like scattered rain showers from the darkening sky. Children, adults, and senior citizens fought on in this never-ending war. It was then when two courageous hazel eyes gazed on watching body after body fall, families torn apart, and the tiresome and beaten expressions plastered on everyone’s faces. The same two hazel eyes formulating a waterfall of tears streaming down each cheek, shutting both orbs all the while seeing the destructive image engraving itself in her mind.
In less than a milli-second, the sorting hat boomed, “Gryffindor!”
Hermione opened her eyes releasing a sigh of relief as the hall filled with claps.
With a twinkle in his eye Dumbledore kept his watchful eyes on Severus knowing exactly what was going on in his mind. Alas the delicate memories of the past that the potion’s master had kept locked away deep in his heart waivers. And all it took was for one beautiful child to step foot in his castle.
“I didn’t do that,” Hermione defended herself, “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone,” she sobbed.
“Because of you, your father is gone! Because you killed him. You are a murderer! Have you no shame in killing both your father and your sister?! It’s all your fault. You took everything from me. You shouldn’t have been born! You are no daughter of mine!” her mother slapped her across the cheek anger flashing in her eyes as well as tears falling like the heavy pouring rain before throwing herself into the burning home to join her dead husband.
“OHH come on. It hasn't been 1 day!” groaned Ron after a entire day of watching Harry and Hermione “eating” each others face at the Burrow.
“Why did you take so long Ronnie?” asked Draco, and then he grabbed Ron's arm and kissed him.
“Cut it out, that is gross!!!” said Harry disgusted with that scene and covering his eyes with his hands.
Hermione slapped him out of nowhere and he screamed “HERMIONE!! What was that for?”
“Don't be stupid! I thought you were ok with they being gay...” she said hysterically.
The door opened and Neville Longbottom, the most popular guy from school, entered the carriage.
“Hi!! How are you?” asked Neville
“Fine... And you sweetie? ” replied Draco
Hes face turned white when he looked at the gay couple holding hands “Hmm... I'm fine, I guess... I think i'll go now...”
“OMG! He doesn't know we're gay... Oh well... Let's hope he doesn't spread it. He is so hot isn't he?” blurted Ron, Draco agreed and sat on his lap
Manny whispers appeared when students ended reading the flayers, some of enthusiasm, others of fear Harry was thrilled!
“Thank God they've enlarged our menu to vegetarian.” - said Ron while eating his broccoli graciously.
My parents were in a car acciedent on their way to a convention when a drunk driver hit their car. Since then I have always been a loner, someone who didn’t talk and was always crying. Then I met Lexis. She was so nice to me. She took me to her house and once her parents knew I was an orphan they put me in an orphange close by. We’ve been best friends since.
"GRYFFINDOR!" screamed the no!
I stripped off my pajama shirt and put on a new one then I closed the curtain so Lily wouldn't see and changed my bottoms. Then I pulled open the curtain. Lilys eyes grew to the size of baseballs
Finally Sirius burst laughing unconrollably. He shook and laughed until he was purple in the face. "Maurders! Maurders!- she just called us Maurders!"
Sirius smiled and looked around rubbing his hands together, menacingly. His eyes brightened up. "JAMES LOOK, AN ALIEN GUN TYPE THING" he said rushing away, picking up the "alien gun type thing" that just so happened to be plugged in. He clicked one of the buttons on it and started screaming and running around in circles which eventually led him to getting tangled in the cord. "AAH, MOMMY IT'S HOT! HOT HOT HOT HHHOOOTTT!!!!
The pain from the crutiatious curse still lingered in my heart and mind. I had never EVER felt so much pain. Imigages started forming in my head
He threw me out to despose of my "carcuss".
“ Who is her cousin?“ asked Ron and Harry
“ Her name is Lena Eulalia Leilani Aimi-Aine Black” replied Hermione
(Lena is 5ft11, chestnut brown hair with blond highlights in curls, hazel eyes, wearing silver top and jeans with her silver dolly shoes; she has a dog with her)
“Lena” shouted Draco
“Oh my god Co what happened to you?” asked Lena
“Nothing but is seems to me you’ve grown.” said Draco
“Well duh Co” said Lena sarcastically
“Mione cous how is Hogwarts?” said Lena
“Its Great cous, these are my friends; Lav, Ginny, Ron, Lav’s boyfriend Dean, Seamus, Luna, Neville, Dray’s girlfriend Pansy, my boyfriend Blaise, Harry and you know Dray.”said Mione
“Hey what are their full names cous” said Lena
“They are Lavender Acacia-Megan Brown, Dean Joshua Simon Thomas, Ginevra Molly Weasley, Blaise Tyler Harvey Zambini, Draco Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, Harold James Jasper Potter, Luna Cassiopeia Lilane Lovegood, Pansy Hannah-Marie Parkinson, Seamus Cameron Benjamin Finnagan, Neville Franklin Longbottom and I am cous Hermione Jane Malissa Granger. “ said Hermione
“Mia where’s Cho and Ced I haven’t seen them. “ said Lena
“I don’t know.” replied Hermione
“Cho Adrianna-Ami Chang.” said Lena
“Lena, what’s up girl?” asked Cho
“Nothing.” said Lena
Lena Baby:
“Dear Lali I am sorry that if you are reading this that I have past on. Don’t blame Cho or Harry for this it was Voldemort sweetie I am with Harry’s Parents, and I want you to move on I am giving you permission to date Harry or Ron as Harry’s engaged to Gabs, babes I know I promised you we get married this summer but please don’t mourn I am Happy, tell Harry and Cho that I love them as well as my parents.
Love your Cedric Jayden Lucas Diggory X-X”
“So what is your full name Ron?” asked Lena
“Ronald Bilius Junior Weasley.” replied Ron
“Cool can I call you RJ as everyone calls you Ron.” said Lena
“Sure, would you like to be my girlfriend we take it slow? “ asked Ron
“Ok RJ.” said Lena
“So what’s the nickname?” asked Harry
“Oh Harry Bear, Gabbie loves your name and when she found out you were engaged she said I get to see my Harry but at the time she was holding a Bear.” said Fleur
“Oh I love it I’m going to call you Angel.” said Harry
“Why.” asked Gabby
“You an angel and your name is like Gabriel who was one of God’s angels. “ said Harry
“Oh. “ said Gabby
(Lena wore a strapless silver and pale pink dress with silver shoes, it was a latin dress, her hair was the same as Marissa but it was half straightened and curled, the straighted part made her look like Lilia from strictly come dancing)
“No what I mean to say is Ron’s girlfriend looks gorgeous but he is to dense to see that, look how she dances with Draco, they look professional.” said Fleur
“Yeah you right, well they been dancing together since she was 9 and he was 5, they the under 25 champion dancers for Latin and ballroom.” said Harry

Thanks to:
skjaere for more than half the fics featured in this batch
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