Part CCCIII - His hair could not conceal his growing excitement!

Nov 07, 2009 20:07

What the Bloody hell Malfoy? - She is mad. ouh shit I’m died.
Ouh God Malfoy spill it out?!! - That really started to piss me off - IwantUtoBeMyVacationSecretFriend- He was red as bee
At least after war my family well mostly my father have changed he wants me to “bright up” family name, shish Like I care about it everyone hates me anyway…
ouh shit I’m lost I’m walking in this damn town and I’m lost, just damn Grate…

I turned back to my I pod and started to watch movie I luv Twilight movie that Rob Patison reminds me of Cedric D.
what is this? - I asked still playing dumb but to be honest with my self I really don ‘t understand why some cars are big, like Granger's, and some are Small. - It’s Chevy SUV, technically it’s a car - ouh.. What’s that Chev.. What ever U said - It’s a model Like brooms U know Nimbus, Fireboat etc
wow I found the torn now I will pull it out painfully and stab there with knife, I will give U back Malfoy for everything U have don to me Everything. - Ya right Thanks for that again, But where are we going - To mountain, just to take a look at amazing view - I simply said I don’t want him to start stress well he will stress a lot cause he have no idea how looks the road up to mountain.
He is acting weird, no seriously he is weird he looks at me like I was some kind of cotton eye candy.
U’re Dark Lords daughter - he asked in horror. What? Dark lords? No never, he thought about that world’s mistake? He is stupid like everyone else - No I’m, my name is Poppy Hermione Jean Dumbledore Keenan - god if I only knew what he is thinking right now - U’re Dumbledore Daughter? - No U bloody Git, I’m his Grand kid - I finaly Looked at him he was shocked, horrified, he tried not to scream, But his eyes they said “I believe U”.
Hi Puppy, Some Blond Guy was Looking for U - Thanks Daddy?! What’s New? - Nothing Much, Some Order Things your grandpa’ wanted me to do after his death. - BB dad, and don’t call me Puppy I’m not a dog I’m Poppy - * end of flashback*
Professor McGonagall started her accent - Welcome back To Hogwarts Students
Dear Draco
Please be nice to her, Poppy is very important person in American Wizarding world. Yes we know her She is in Hogwarts? Your mother, and I we thought that she is in America hiding just like the rest of their family. Dumbledore had a son Jacob, No one knows who is his mother but everyone knows he is Dumbledore. BE NICE TO HER, it would be nice if we could make some contacts in America.
Your mother send kisses to you and says that she would like to meet that Girl, I swear If You will brought home another Shopaholic I will Personally Hex YOU son.
Congrats about making Head boy, I'm so proud of you, I was head bout too thought You know that already, now son as always keep your mind open and please be nice to everyone.
With lots of love and kisses your Mother and Father
I laughed like mad for a while, than I took my PC and went to Astronomy tower, that’s the only place I can reach Web, in here, I have to put this one in Youtube…
I might be saying the same thing now MudBlood - agrr, how he dears, he knows, I’m not, that thing anymore
it was a long time a year ago of potter got missin and deaded.
(but peopl not kno a dead but is missin but he did it deadd)
and a sadly ron got up on a train to rode hogwerts.
him do no freinds now becuz hermine is a loser drop out hogwersts.
he take a breathes of sad and sleep.
but a jerk turn light off and ron did not see. "hey jerk u put on a ligth!"
scare ron. but ligth did on. and peolpe were NO WERE! a fat monstre big up
the train and roar to trow it to ocean. "NO!" say a sad ron and hit did him
head hard on a windo that not broke. train do sink slowly and ron cry cuz not
wanting to death yet. "DEMENETERS EAT!!!" say big mosnter mad.
was mayeb 10 dementers to have feast of ron.
and dementers go in train and ron SCREAMERS! "NOOO DON DEAD ME!" RON YELL.
"BIG PATRONTRUS!" scream WAS HARRY POTTOR!!!!!!! and magic death a demeters
and magic death big mosnter and magic got RONN OUT OF DEAD DROWN TRAIN OCEAN!
on to land were safe. and ron did cough water a harry.
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Draco’s determined grin. His teeth were glinting in the sunshine, but his skin was even whiter.
They went to the sink to wash their dirty hands. What they did not know, because they had not been paying attention in Snape’s potion class, that gillyweed was an afrodiasiac. It had gotten into Draco’s blood stream through the cuts in his palm.
Unexpectedly, Harry had the strangest urge to reclaim his blood.
Harry moved closer and licked the warm, red liquid off of Draco’s two blushing pilgrims.
Harry was dismayed to realize that he was wearing his smallest pair of pants.
His small pants could not conceal his growing excitement!
Draco’s hair started coming out of its mold. It stuck up in all directions and was very sexy. It flopped in his cold grey eyes - which were now alight with passion! His hair could not conceal his growing excitement!
Harry had dated many girls, but none moved with the grace that Draco had.
Draco’s quick thinking solved the problem - he was cute, and had brains.
Quite simply: Harry’s cow popped out of the barn door and mooed dangerously. And then, quite simply, Draco began milking the cow.
The pants slid off, revealing his average, but excellent length. Draco breathed a sigh of exquisite relief to finally have released the strong manhood that had been suffering such a cruel imprisonment inside that barricade of cloth ever since he woke up that morning.
Crystal tears of joy snaked across increasingly flushed cheeks, which were blooming like roses. The sweat drops sparkled on his cheekbones like dewdrops in the garden. Draco’s own creamy flesh had taken on color that could now only be described as milky rose. His perception lost in a perfumed erotic fantasy far better than the one his wet dreams could have ever created.
**(link)      (Pottersues report)
she looks a bit like a young amy lee lookalike but if u dont think she is pretty imagine her differently.she is not a goth since her hair is natural
'so your new here right?'he said
'ye,but im autimatically in griffindor as my mother was and the rest of her family so i didnt need to be sorted.'i replied before he could answer.
**(link)      (Pottersues report)
'Collins, what do you think you are doing?' slimed snape.
'God I hate Snape,' complained Ron after helping me and Harry drag Malfoy to the hospital wing,' thanks to him I had to touch Malfoy's head.'
'Well consider yourself lucky, you ight of had to touch his feet like me.' I shot back
'Calm down, god I didn't make you beat him up like that.'
'Well actually you were cheeringher on and toldher to hit his head harder' interjected Harry.
**(link)      (Pottersues report)
When he looked in the mirror that he had in the room, he saw that his facial features were now more defined and better looking, his eye although still green, had a hint of red in them, his hair was red instead of black. As he looked down at his body, he saw that his manhood which used to be six and a half long was now thicker and about nine inches long… Harry smiled at himself at this. (…) Now as he looked closer at himself, he saw, to his great surprise, that he now had wings.
Next was to see if he could change his sex, ‘If I can change sex, there’s nothing that can stop me going up the girls dorm back at Hogwarts and have some fun.’
Slowly he started to concentrate on what makes a woman a woman, their pussy, breast and everything else that makes up a woman. Within a few minutes of concentrating on this, his body slowly started to change. At first he felt his hair glowing longer, and then he felt a strange sensation with his chest. When he looked down, he saw a pair of breasts forming. As Harry was admiring the forming breasts, he suddenly felt a strange painful sensation were his manhood was, or more like used to be. When Harry placed his hands where his manhood used to be, he found that instead of his manhood he found it was replaced with a woman’s pussy.
Instead of a naked skinny blacked haired boy that he was, he saw a very attractive, longed haired girl with green eyes, with a hairless pussy.
As this happened, Harry was shocked at himself at what he did, but yet he also enjoyed and realized what a woman felt when they were hit by an orgasm.
So over the next hour, Harry changed into different people and tried to do their voices - he changed into other people to help him recognize the face with the voice. Harry was having fun over the next hour, guessing what people looked like without clothes, whilst he tried to copy their voices.
After reading this, Harry was saddened of the reminder of Sirius’s death, but knew that Sirius wouldn’t want to mourn over him all the time. He knew that Sirius would want to live, prank and fuck as many girls as he could - all in all to have fun. Thinking it of this way, Harry vowed to himself that this would what he would do.
It was then that he had realized what was different about the young Lord, somehow Lord Potter-Black had somehow became a Demon Lord.
“Oh and Faeliverin,” Harry said darkly and coldly, which sent chill down Faeliverin’s back, “My name is Lord Ragnarok, and I would like it that if you would forget about me and the staff that you are making me, if you know what I mean,” and then with his back still to Faeliverin, he removed his cloak and started to grow into his new form and with his wings too. “As it would be a shame that someone would find you dead if you did say anything. Now that Voldemort is in the open, they’ll think it was one of his Death Eaters that did it.
But now he wasn’t too sure, since he saw Faeliverin, his mind was partly thinking of fucking or raping her, until she submit to him like a sex toy or something. Even before this, when he was changing forms, he was thinking of fucking the girls Hogwarts if they liked it or not.
Hosted by who else, Draco Malfoy. The most amazing guy in the world.
Dudley Dursley looked at her menacingly.
“I need a date, for the ball. Now.”
“So?” she said. She didn’t get Dudley at all.
“I mean you’re my date for now!” he turned around and stormed back up the stairs.
“Get pretty or I’ll tell dad!” Were Dudley’s last words before he disappeared up the stairs.
I opened the window and it flew to the desk on the wall of my room. I moved to it and it dropped a letter in my hand. “Man” I thought “I hate reading. I hope this isn’t how they communicate in Scotland. I would die.”
Mace had blond hair but electric blue at the tips with same electric blue eyes. In the muggle world we were feared and avoided by goody two shoes kids who didn’t have guts. We had piercings as well. Mine were on belly button and tongue. Mace’s were on his ear at the top and he used big silver ring ones to emphasis them. Majorly cool. We had freaky names as well. I am Suicide Vampire and Mace Stalker.
I had showered wore my usual black which was all leather. Leather makes you look sexy and it was hip.
Suddenly I felt faint. Pain coursed through my body. Pain, pain and more pain.
I ran outside and stood still and plunged the small knife into my skin and felt the familiar pleasure flow through my body. I deserved this, the pain was my savior. It reminded me of the pain I conflicted on others, the pain that had pierced my soul.
I know technology doesn’t work around Hogwarts but we kind of figured out a spell to make it work.
“Sorry father.” I whispered. “I know you will deal with me later.” I said.
“Precisely my son!” He yelled. I gulped at the thought of what my father would do to me. We have quite a history of fights. In one fight he threw knives at me. The next he threw china, and painful spells my way. But lately it was all the above in one and I would be doing the same thing as him. My poor mum was always in the middle.
“My lord I know Granger better than all of you but together. She is one hell of a stubborn witch. We will have to kiss up to her, and trick her. Give her a nice room, big bed, colourful room. All of us be nice to her, and then she might get caught off guard. But then the person who will do her will have to be closet with her. The person you chose should be smart, funny, completive, young and handsome. Who do you suggest?”
“YOU!” Everyone yelled.
“What?” I asked with a look of fright.
“Who else here is young?” Bellatrix
“Ummm...Rockwood, he suites it perfectly I am not funny.”
“No, you are funny, you just where. Rockwood young.” Everyone laughed and Rockwood rolled his eyes.
“Perfect your task you have one year to finish it.” The dark lord said smiling “Now Draco go start planning how her room will look. Once that is done you and your mother will go buy the stuff, and colour the room. Once all of this is done you will call me over for further information.”
“Apes vous?” Hermione questioned walking in front of me. “What does that mean?” A/n I most likely spelt that wrong, well don’t blame me blame this guy in my class Akeem for distracting me during class.
“It is French for after you.”
“Oh you can speak French.”
I opened the door to me and Ron’s room to find him and Lavender Brown in the middle of a shagging session
“RONALD BILLUS WEASLY!!!!!!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The sound of my yelles brought the couple out of their revere.
“How dare you!! How could you?”
“Because I don’t love you, I only liked our body. I tried to change you so we could work, but no you had to read all the time, and you had to be so damn bossy.”

Thanks to:
xfortytwo for the Poppy Hermione Jean fic
elethian for the OF DEAD DROWN TRAIN OCEAN fic
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