Jan 27, 2011 22:01
on second thought, how about no.
kinda financially stressed there for a minute, and now all is well... like... all at once. boom! my paycheck cleared and my federal aid kicked back and now, just when I was down to 10 dollars in my bank account and really considering rolling all my change everything worked out.
went to Atlanta this past weekend with 2 friends of mine, and saw a concert that was far too short. but it was worth every minute of it, the whole weekend was. I had a blast. and to top it all off my girlfriend showed up on Sunday to catch the show with us and stay till Monday. yet again... at the last second everything worked out in the end.
at first everybody was bailing, and it was just going to be 2 of us, which actually, wouldn't have been bad at all. she's one of the only people that I could spend an excessive amount of time with and not go crazy. so I wouldn't have cared if it had been just us, but it ended up working out for our other friend, who was the reason for which we were going- her birthday, and then the girlfriend made it a day later.
it was awesome.
I'm avoiding studying for my statistics test tomorrow... obviously. dinner is in the oven, and I am looking for any way out of studying. my beautiful black labrador is aggravating my beautiful girlfriend and I can't help but feel like I'm the luckiest (scratch that-- most blessed) person in the world.
I just need to stop caring so much about people that don't care that much back.
I've made a pact with myself to only give as much as I get, and so far my head is keeping up with it but my weak ass heart is lagging behind and making me feel stupid.
I am stupid.
it's so damn noticable when I care... and I hate it.
yet it's much more obvious when I don't care... and everyone else hates that.
so I'll just stick with Mema's philosophy that states I should worry about myself and let that be enough.
in other news a friend of mine is going through some drama with her husband. apparently he's a cheater. go figure. I can honestly say I've never met a man that didn't cheat. but hell, I've cheated, so I'm not saying I'm better, just stating a fact. I've known plenty of faithful girls, but no guys. and I mean even my exboyfriend and my father and my Gaga (God rest his soul). it's sad I guess... even more sad for the dellusional girls that really think their man wouldn't cheat at the first (maybe second) opportunity. I can honestly say I'm glad I'm not straight because I feel like I see both genders for what they are, and pretty much every single solitary straight girl I know gets pathetic over a boy... almost every lesbian I know is a man-hating judgemental bitch... and every man thus far wired for infidelity. I love that I'm right in the middle. besides my girlfriend I think girls just disgust me in general, even down to my closest friends. why, why, why would you go back to somebody that's cheated on you multiple times and now given you an STD?!
makes me mad.
for my friend, and at my friend.
I guess I just want to shake her.
I'm not saying don't give somebody a second chance, especially if they're sincere, want to be faithful, and etc etc. but after more than a few times... time to go.
I would much rather be single than to subject myself to somebody that continuously hurts me.
and I would much rather be friendless than keep close someone who's reckless with my heart.