Jan 16, 2010 16:15

I started my OB clinical today =D

It was fucking amazing...
After our little tour, I got paired up with kaylie, who is a crazy cute tiny little southern cheerleader type. After maybe twenty minutes we got our patient, she was 24 and she was having her 2nd baby. I have never seen anything as awesome as that little hooker was today...

Anesthesia refused to give her an epidural, so she just kicked ass from 10:30 until 1:35 w/out pitosin or anything. We sat her up just to see how pushing felt and after maybe two contractions we could see his head, so we had to wait for the MD's and the pediatric team to show up... but I seriously can't even describe how awesome it was to see the little man pop out. It was all I could do not to cry in the delivery room =P

Im sooo tired though, lol. I woke up at 3am and tried to get ready, finally got to UAB at 6am and we didn't stop the entire time I was there. I missed lunch because her cervix was disappearing like crazy and I was afraid I would miss the birth if I left, so by the time everything was over I was about to pass out and had a crazy headache... but totally worth it.

I sort of wish I had a vagina... a little bit...
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