Day 1....

May 02, 2011 11:32

Getting abit (mind you I say abit) of peace at work today, just catching up on more woolworths again. Bill seems to be under the impression that I am under the pump when to be honest I am not, that is fine let him think that then maybe he will get everyone to stop bugging me about trivial things today (ie stationary, phones, working out peoples pay issues). Plodding along at an easy pace today, worked my bum off last week so allowing myself some much needed non prod time this week. Patricia isn't even here today which has annoyed me a little bit. Bill said something on friday that made me think why am I staying back, doing overtime to do HER work and help HER catch up when she can't even try and factor in the time? Yes she has kids and is the only one who drives in her family and yes the kids have basketball and stuff on Saturday blah blah but you know what, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for work and Im sure the kids could deal with missing basketball one week or her hubby could take them on the bus, it is doable! Oh well at least with her being gone a non prod day is easier.

Anyway so abit nervous today. Today I start my 30 day challenge with yoga and as I was saying to Brendon this morning, I don't smoke on yoga days so I will be only smoking once a week for the month of May! I have decided to give myself every Friday night off yoga and do a double class on the Saturdays instead to make up. Fridays will be my relax and have a smoke night and on those Fridays I will either relax at home or go and see a friend.
So yes abit nervous but also incredibly determined to do this and also a tad excited to see and feel the results. If all goes to plan and I can do this and it works then I might make it something I do a few times a year just after bigger social months as a way to reset the old mind and body.....but Im getting ahead of myself now let's just see how I go this month first :)

Have leftover potato bake for lunch today that Brendon forgot to take. Don't really want it to be honest, feeling so good about myself and my goals want to go and have a nice healthy, filling sandwich for lunch. Doing lamb cutlets for dinner tonight, going to do them with steamed garlic broccoli and cauliflower mash, think Brendon will approve. It's so much easier having him on board for drastic diet changes its helped us both alot.

Anyways thats it for today.....I'll let you all know how I go tonight! I might be dead by the end of the week haha!

patricia, yoga, 30 days, healthy, work

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