Healthy Happy

Apr 05, 2011 12:36

Well one of the topics we discussed last night which I am glad we got out was mine and brendon's health and fitness.
We used to be gym junkies, even went to the gym with friends in a group a few times and always prided ourselves on our commitment but since he injured his back things have been slack.
He is not as active since, he now sits at a desk for 8 hours instead of doing between 10-12 hours on his feet doing manual labour but rather than try to compensate with a stricter fitness routine he has spent alot of his now spare time at home, almost sulking and feeling sorry for himself.
I have my Bikram which I try to do 3 nights a week but for the results I want I really need to be combining some weights at least 2x a week. I try with my diet but it does get hard when he won't eat the things I need to be eating and I honestly cbf making two meals so I just give in and eat crap. We've set up a home gym area with a x-trainer, bike and now dumbells and yet neither of us have ever actually had a proper session on any of the equiptment.
We both want to be happy and healthy and love our bodies again, more so him than me so we discussed making rapid changes to both our diets. He is willing to cut back and eat simpler, fresher foods. Breaky and lunch is good, we both eat cereal and snack on nuts or crackers and lunch for him is a skinless chicken and salad sandwich while for me tends to be either subway or sushi. Dinner we have vowed to keep things simple - meat and veg (no carb) with light herb seasonings to things. I printed out a great little tip sheet from the internet about simplifying foods for optimal results and I think this will work for us (see link here)
I have done well today, cereal with soy milk for breakky, forme` yoghurt for morning tea and now a chicken salad with no dressing for lunch. Dinner is at mums, roast so I will load up on veges and meat, no potato and no gravy. See Brendon just needs to see that its all about choices and you can still have the things you like if you just change them up abit.
Can't wait to start seeing happier, healthier changes within us both.....oh yes and weve sort of given up drugs again. Nothing is rock solid but its more that we both don't feel the need or want for them anymore. I think that binge we had in January this year might have been just a phase and I honestly am quite contented with my herbs for treats every now and then.

diet, health, exercise, bikram, fitness

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