Moving On Up

Nov 30, 2010 13:01

Hmm why on earth do I buy raw salmon sushi? I never end up eating it. I always end up picking the salmon out and just going vegetarian on the dish.
I should just buy vegetarian sushi and be done with it? I thin subconciously I know the raw salmon is so good for me that I want to like it and eat it but in actual fact I don't.
Thats my random rant for the day methinks......

Well I must say it is week 2 of Brendon working day shift and I am incredibly comfortable now. This week is particularly lovely as his car has broken down (no thats not the lovely part) so I am carpooling him all week. It's been so good to have someone with me right after work and up until bedtime. Someone I can bounce all my little ideas and thoughts off that I have of a night time, someone to give me a hand with the chores so I can actually go to sleep with a clean house and one less thing on my mind.
Last night TJ also came around for a drink, since he is studying for this real estate agents gig he has alot of time after dinner and says he wants to come over one weeknights to drink and watch comedy and catch up. I told him I he's more than welcomed, not only do I now have Brendon home at night but to actually be having visitors would be fantastic. I do think alot of my problems are due to the fact that I have become a hermit in the last few years and thus have lost alot of my social skills.
Bren is loving the new job too.
Loving but definately still getting used to it and I beleive he is finally understanding what it means to be mentally drained after work and not physically drained. Last night he had to have a nap before dinner, something my dad has done for years himself. He reckons being mentally tired is harder than physical exhersion anyday.

Speaking of which I think my mental exhersion levels at work are about to be taken up a notch.
Charles pulled me aside yesterday and low and behold, yes I am getting that promotion I have been gunning for for the last 3 months.
Starting next week I will be permanently moved in with Patricia as the second Service Coordinator for Komatsu Forklifts Australia Melbourne Branch.
Everything still needs to be finalised, ie which office I will be moving into, my new pay, hours ecetera  ecetera. Charles will write me up my letter of offer and we will discuss it all at some point this week.
So yes very exciting, my first every promotion, finally not just a receptionist anymore!

So thats it as of today. Have made some discoveries re my journey to herbal happiness however I may get passionate and phylisophical on the issue so I will post that as a seperate entry and you can choose to read or not to read as to whether your up for opinions on alternative therapies.

Till then my sweets xx

komatsu, promotion, work

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