Mar 28, 2008 10:28

AHA!AHA!!*jumping for joy*

IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! IT'S OVERRRRR!!THE SCHOOL YEAR IS OVER!!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ack, i can't believe i'm still alive after a year of suicide doing endless video productions, scripts, stage productions,KILLER scrapbooks, thesis,research papers and all that jazz.LOL.i'm just so happy that i can have 2 months of rest before the REAL work begins in 3rd year.they say that 3rd yr will be the deadliest of all.UGH.IM SO NOT EXCITED AT ALL.we'll also be having our OJT come 2nd semester of 3rd year.but you know what? i still don't have a concrete decision on what major i'll be taking. but from the looks of it, i think i'll end up getting broadcast communication since my classmates, professors, and senpais highly suggest that i should go into that.ok, whatever, let's just wait for the end of the 1st sem where the mass comm faculty wiill be conducting interviews and screening for which major we'll be going into.

but for now, CARPE DIEM.

i have lots of things i want to do this summer:
1.relive my graphic making hobby
2.catch up on my fandoms
3.relive my love for drawing movies and dramas i've been dying to see
6.go to the beach (wow, i'm not afraid of the sun anymore)
7.plan my birthday celebration
8.sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep books

this is exactly how i feel right now.LOL.♥

summer, happy

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