it's time to start a new beginning

Dec 28, 2007 00:07

only a few more days before 2008.oh god, i feel like we're going to step into a new world.LOL.yeah im weird like that.since i've already made the recap post for 2007, now i'll do the new year's resolution for 2008!

1.NO MATTER HOW I GET TIRED OF MY HAIR, I WILL NEVER CUT IT SHORT. for 2007, i had my hair cut like yassu's..remember?damn, that was it's really hard and irritating because i want long hair, my hair doesn't grow fast you see.that's why i keep on wanting to have a wig.XDD

2.I WILL NOT PUT MY GUARD DOWN. at any situation, i will never let myself give up or lose.but if i do, i will not cry like a baby and accept my failure because life's just like that.we do not always come out victorious.

3.I WILL LOVE MY BODY. no harsh diets anymore.i will eat properly and treat my body fairly.

4.I WILL NOT EXPECT.just go with the flow of life.

5.I WILL NOT BE ANTI-SOCIAL ANYMORE.talking to people won't kill me.

6.LEARN TO SAY 'NO'.saying 'no' doesn't mean that your not a nice person.


8.I WILL GO OUT MORE.there's a lot of things the world has to offer, don't lock yourself in the four corners of your room all day.there are lots of things to discover, lots of people to meet, and lot of things to learn.

9.I WILL TRY TO FIND TIME FOR EVERYONE/THING IN LIFE.don't take people/things for granted.

10.I WILL ALWAYS LOOK AT THE BRIGHTER SIDE OF's too short to waste it in days filled with sadness.

goodluck on your new year's resolution too guys!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!*^__________^*

new year, resolution

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