Thanks to
siraplowe for the subject line of this post. :P
Well, I'm home from the hospital. Overall, I'm OK - obviously, as otherwise I'd probably not be making an lJ post! - but there is some achey pain and toothache on the left hand side of my jaw. I've just taken some strong painkillers though, so I should be fine shortly.
There's also (what feels like) a lot of numbness in my lips and face on that side. The weirdest thing is, I wouldn't mind if it was just a total lack of feeling, but there isn't - there's a really odd, borderline-painful tingling sensation in the area that I can't feel. Speaking of the bit I can't feel - it's the strangest thing, being given a cup of water and pressing it to your mouth, and feeling it only on one side. Do not like it! I hope the feeling comes back soon, becuase I quite like feeling my bottom lip.
I also look like a lopsided hamster storing food in one cheek. :/ Not an attractive look, I can tell you. But it should go down before Christmas Day. Fingers very much crossed for that, anyway!
Also, I have to thank
ice_Elf for her text this morning, which simply read "Courage". (We are such epic geeks, I know. But it made me grin like a loon just before I was admitted to hospital, so I don't care.) I had to admit: that text (and the Glee-related thoughts that went with it) was kind of what got me through certain bits of today. (Like when I woke up from the anaesthetic and the local anaesthetic they'd given my jaw wasn't really working.) So, thank you so much for remembering to send that text!
I still don't like general anaesthetics. I wouldn't mind if they just knocked you out - it's the insertion of the tube into the vein, followed by the send-you-loopy-and-dizzy painkillers. *shudders* But I did it, was out like a light without problems, and presumably the operation itself went well.
The guy doing it came and spoke to me - in a full suit complete with waistcoat and tie! - beforehand, and explained everything about the procedure (removal of the oddly places wisdom tooth and cyst). That put my mind at rest.
Also, I learned something today! Did you know that teeth are created like humans, in a ball of liquid? (This is what he told me to explain why the cyst had developed as it had.) Pretty cool piece of information that I don't think many people know. :)
When I came 'round, as I said earlier, the local anaesthetic wasn't really working so there was quite a bit of pain - but they gave me some tablets once I was back on the ward that kicked it, and all afternoonit's been pretty much steadily improving, pain-wise. There's some aching now, but those painkillers I mentioned at the top have kicked in and I think I'm pretty OK now. I'm obviously bruised and sore (and tingly) but functional. So yay!
Hung around on the ward from about 11 o'clock (after going down for surgery at 9am - which tells you how quick they got me sorted!) and was allowed to leave at about 4.30pm. And now, I am currently sitting on the living room couch, typing this - so pretty good, all in all.
My major problem at the moment is the fact that I can only drink and eat lukewarm/room temperature things. That, and the occasional bleeding from the stitches, which is disgusting and I won't go in to. (Sorry, everybody. At least it's all inside my mouth and virtually invisible, but for the massive 'I've been punched in the face by Mike Tyson' swelling. :P)
The only really bad thing about today was my mum. Yesterday, she had a really terrible migraine that knocked her out of action for the whole day. Today, it returned with a vengeance from her gettig up at 5am - so she couldn't come to the hospital with me, and even now she's still in bed, trying to sleep it off. I wish she could have come with us, but I'm really glad that she didn't because it would have been horrible for her. Besides, all Dad did was wait around all day and sit beside my bed offering moral support. There wasn't much he could do.
I really hope it's better for her tomorrow. :(
So, yes. I think I'm going to spend the evening watching the tellybox to take my mind of the achey-pain, and then head off to get an early-ish night. :)
Also, I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words on my last post. *sends hugs to
Ice_Elf, snuggles
hermitknut's cuddly Colin Morgan (thankyousomuch!), and cuddles
imagination55 (OMG Doctor!cuddles, yay!)*