Hey LJ. I am still alive. Life's just been hectic.
I went to LARPS on Sunday, and had a really goo time. I decided, in my infinite wisdom, that a cloak would be a good idea. You know - protection from the cold, good for sweeping about in, kinda sexy-looking ... good plan, right?
The Incredibles is right about cloaks/capes --
Edna: [about Bob's new costume] It will be bold! Dramatic!
Bob: Yeah!
Edna: Heroic!
Bob: Yeah. Something classic, like, like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots...
Edna: [throws a wadded ball of paper at Bob's head] No capes!
Bob: Isn't that my decision?
Edna: Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids.
Bob: Listen, E...
Edna: November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when... his cape snagged on a missile fin!
Bob: Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb...
Edna: Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine!
Bob: E, you can't generalize about these things...
Edna: Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex. [shouts] No capes!
I laughed at that scene - laughed. HA! It's not so funny now, now that I know first hand just how dangerous cloaks can be in combat conditions.
I was in a fight with this (really kinda hot in his LARPS gear, really not hot out of his LARPS gear) guy - and he was driving me back with his sword. There is no way of saying that without risking an appearance from the Innuendo Squad. So I took some steps back. And stood on my cloak.
It pulled taut around my neck and nearly garotted me. I then stumbled, stepped on the cloak more, contorted myself in a way that pulled back muscles, and fell over backwards in an undignified heap. All the while, unable to breathe. To make matters worse, I landed so hard that my glasses literally flew off my face into the grass above my head.
The dude froze, sword raised, and asked in a really quite sweet concerned voice, "Are you all right?"
I managed to corak out a yes, although I seriously could not breathe because of the cape. Anyway, I pretended I was dead and slinked off to sit out the rest of the fight, nursing a bruised neck. And yes, it is bruised. Not visibly, but Jesus it hurts! All the freaking time. And I can't tip my head back, because that tightens the bruised muscles, so that hurts. *whimper*
... I do not get people who are into erotic/autoerotic asphyxiation. The bruising pain on your neck cannot be fun. (Unless you're also a masochist, but then, there are way more interesting and painful ways to be in pain ...)
Anyway. NaNoWriMo.
Today was not a Writing Day for me, but I had to make a celebratory post because THE COLLABORATIVE ACCOUNT HAS A GREEN BAR!
Yes, that's right. Half way through the month,
ice_Elf and I have written 50,000 words collectively. Just 25K each to go. It's kind of amazing.
I realised this morning just how epic an undertaking this month actually is for the two of us. Since I'm taking the even days and
ice_Elf's got the odd days - we're essentially writing 50K in fifteen days. 50K in half a month. I let that sink in on the bus this morning, and it - well, it kind of stupefied me a bit.
* Is still the MC, despite jostling from the sidelines :P
* Lost his father
* Vowed to have revenge on the Egorth for killing his father
* Fell in Fainted into the family pool
* Rescued from the family pool by Jalon Braige (the creepiest dude to ever creep)
* Fallen ill
* Had a crush of Estenyel's fiance (Rollian the Politician)
* Read a hell of a lot
* Got better
* Had a faily uneventful and boring existence
* Lost her father
* Came out to Ataran
* Got into a relationship with Ceciana
* Not necesarily in that order
* Lost his father
* Became General
* Not been around much
* As of today's writing, been injured somewhat seriously (?)
* Got pregnant with her fiance's baby
* Lost her father
* Got married
* Gave birth to a boy
* Yes, in that order
* Lost her father
* Cried a hell of a lot (mostly melodramatically)
* Came of age
* Fallen in love
* Lost her husband
* Reminisced about meeting her husband in a manner that made me wish we hadn't killed off the big ol' teddy-bear
* Been a generally awesome and supportive mother
Lots of the above was unplanned. Like Estenyel's pregnancy - that was unexpected. So was Ataran's mini-crush on Rollian. And Ataran's porn stash, which was recommended to him by Jalon. (See what I mean about him being a creeper? Bear in mind that Ataran is thirteen when he gives him softcore porn to read ...)
In the next fifty-thousand? Well, I won't give it away. Let's just say it's going to be TRAGIC. It will possibly make me cry in parts. (We have to kill off one of my favourites* and be epically evil to another one.) D: But hey, it'll be a good read! I hope ...
* Ataran is my favourite. He has to be. When I say favourites, I mean 'favourites apart from Ataran'.
So, yeah. Basically, we're on track - feeling confident - and still really enjoying ourselves! :D
Now -- in the absence of new Glee, and because I really don't need to see S2E6 again because the squee is already at painful levels -- I'm going to indulge in some Quantum Leap. Ah, retro sci-fi. You are still awesome - just as good as you were during my childhood. *nostalgic smile*