
Nov 11, 2009 17:08

NaNoWriMo is going pretty well, actually, this year. I'm keeping on top of (and just about ahead!) of the daily workcount goals, without being driven to distraction. I mean, I lost pretty much the entire weekend, and still managed to get caught up and ahead. I can feel the Week Two Slump weighing me down right now, but I'm feeling positive - I can get through it. Positive thinking! That's the key!

I'm currently sitting at 18,526 words, and my plot is chugging along quite nicely. So far, I have a death count of two. The characterisation of Tobias (my MC) is a bit shakey, but I'll fix that later. Vosper (supposed to be my secondary MC) is waaaaaay too chilled out. In my head, his calm reaction to Tobias shoving a gun in his face works; on paper, not so much.

The Cops, who I intruduced on a whim and who are shamelessly stolen from both Psych and Life on Mars and then charicatured to within an inch of their believablity, are seriously taking over, though. From Psych we have The Chief (who will remain nameless until the final chapter; I dared myself) - (Interim) Chief Karen Vick - and Head Detective Hessley - Head Detective Lassiter. Filling Juliet's slot, but seriously reminding me of Sam Tyler (only with less crazy and more OCD), there's Detective Samra. He's now a major player - he's the only officer who semi-believes Tobias might be innocent, and I'm shipping them in my head. Nothing will come of it in the book itself, but afterwards, they would get together somehow. I have more fun writing Samra that I do writing Tobias. (For the record, his name was unintentionally similar to 'Sam'.)

My FMC, Seren, hasn't yet been introduced, but will be soon. For some bizarro reason, every time I picture her, I see Thandie Newton (Libby in Run Fatboy Run), but younger, steampunk'd up and with a small, excitable dog.* This was not supposed to happen! That's pretty much the polar opposite of my character description! *flails*

I'm going to go with it, though, because Thandie Newton is absolutely gorgeous as Libby (especially with the lovely soft curls!), and Seren needs to be adorable and have sex appeal - which she does, I think, in that role - so it works. That's probably the strangest thing so far ... but then, I have another 32K to go! :P

* Seren acquired a dog the other day; I don't know if I mentioned it. I know I told ice_elf. It was because I was walking along the street (feeling sorry for myself because ugh, cold and ugh, wet) and I saw this little dog practically bouncing along beside its owner. I looked at it and thought, "Someone in my NaNo needs to have a dog, as of now." I couldn't give it to Tobias or Vosper - that just wouldn't work - but somehow I can see Seren as an animal person. :D

I also have a title now! Well, a working title, because I'm not 100% happy with it. (Although, the more I get used to it, the more I like it ...) My NaNovel is currently titled "The Innocent".

And, because I have a title ... I also have a complete cover! (I designed it the other day, but couldn't upload due to the lack of title. But now, I can use it!)

Let me know what you think. :D I'm quite proud of it. (I had to Photoshop the two images together, and you wouldn't believe how long it took to make it look smooth. Especially with the gradation of shade in the sky on the bottom picture as well ...)

Right. I'm off for some tea, and then I'm mounting the hill to 20K! Late, Flist!

SMALL, ANGRY EDIT: Just posted in the 'Critique the above poster's cover/banner' thread on the NaNo forums. I don't have a banner. The person below me didn't bother to find out if I have a cover (which would've taken one, max. two clicks); they just said, "Person above. Get a banner. Lol." ... JESUS. >(


nanowrimo, writing

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