The lack of updates recently is due to the fact that I've been unbearably depressing for the past few days, due to angsting over (in no particular order):
The Fine Art Society exhibition piece I'm attempting to finish
The lack of Scotty/Chekov fanfic and the lack of a response to my kinkmeme prompt
Having to trapise to the library for a(n admittedly helpful) dissertation workshop
My sleep depravation
My TOTAL FAIL at researching (or even properly deciding on a topic for) my dissertation
Not seeing Star Trek again on Wednesday
The crappy weather (it's supposed to be summer)
Nearly bursting into tears for no fathomable reason over lunch today
My frankly scary obsession with Star Trek (which is not helped by the fact that I've kindasorta developed this thing for Zach Quinto, who is like the non-geeky, American twin of my housemate James)
Having to attend the Fine Art Society AGM & workshop yesterday
Feeling like I've annoyed 90% of my friends up here, via inconsequential comments which they've probably forgotten but which I can't get out of my head
I've tried to write this post about seven times over the past few days, and every time it's come out with me sounding like a whiny, attention-seeking emo of the highest order. D: So, you get a list of all the things that are bothering me instead. (It's still a pretty emo list. And silly, too.)
In Other News: I bought a cardi! It's blue and pretty, and it goes really well with my blue roses skirt. (Which is exactly what I wanted it for. :D) <3 I'm going to see Night at the Museum II tomorrow! And I might buy the pretty, floofy dress I tried on this afternoon, as well. (I need to cheer myself up somehow, and I've already got all the books I want. That's my excuse.)
Speaking of books: I finished the second Temeraire book! *happyflail* However, I finished it at something like 3am the other day, after rushing through the earlier parts, so I may need to re-read it before I do a squeepost. (And yes, there needs to be a squeepost. Just so I can flail about Temeraire, who is the best dragon ever. <3<3<3 I WANT ONE!)
And now, I am going to attempt to do a bit more on my canvas, while listening to Rob Ingis read The Two Towers. (Only five tapes to go! Then I'm on to The Return of the King! There will be a real sense of achievement when I finish listening to The Lord of the Rings; doing so makes me realise that I could never in a million years have read the thing. I know, I'm a bad English Student/Fantasy lover/human being.) I may post a couple of WIP!canvas shots tomorrow.
EDIT: I now have about fifteen 'tracks' on various comments in the
st_xi_kink meme. >.>;; Some of them are for gen/friendship! (But I still feel dirty. Also, I want to write Chekov/Scotty, with a complicated side of Scotty/Enterprise, just for the sake of the opening line that will not go away: "There were always three people in their relationship." Gyah!)
And, I may have found a way to fix up my BigBang into some kind of coherent story! Woo! Before the deadline! (Yes, it involves cutting it in half again. Heh. I think it'll work, though.)