Happy Halloween, flist!
(Even though it's only Halloween for another hour or so here. I'm late - as usual.)
I didn't get to dress up this year - BOO! - but I did buy a hat, and wandered around the house in it all day. :) *is wearing it now* Oh, and we did go to the Halloween Formal [ie: big college meal] on Tuesday and, as a consession to All Hallows Eve, I wore all black, went overboard with the black/grey eyeshadow and eyeliner, and painted my nails like this:
Freshly Done (Tuesday):
I think they are so cool! Well, I do now - when I first did them, I hated them -- but they've grown on me. (And one of my English buddies told me that they were really beautiful!) *pleased*
Anyway, on to the real purpose of this post. Lancelot review! (Because I'm two weeks late with it.)
Merlin: Lancelot
You'll be getting used to/fed up of hearing this by now, but I'll say it again: I LOVE THIS SHOW! I really do. It's quirky and different and it totally messes with all my Arthurian preconceptions, which is fantabulous!
See, when I think 'Lancelot', the last person that would pop into my head would be Isaac Mendes Santiago Cabrera. Really. He is so far from being 'my' Lancelot that it's not even funny. BUT! Despite my manymany reservations, he made me love him within the first five minutes!
The poor dumb fool is so honourable! It's almost painful to see him be that honourable! *loves it*
Also, Merlin is a Damsel In Distress. There is no denying it. He's now been rescued by Arthur and Lancelot. That makes it official.
The Gryphon was pretty! It was so pretty! It killed and ate people but eh, pretty! (I'm sorry, I'm funny about mythological creatures. I'm a bit like Hagrid that way. When most people think 'ravening monster', I think 'OMG that's so gorgeous'! Dragons, man-eating Gryphons that can't be harmed by normal weaponry, werewolves ... all of them lovely. :)
On the subject of the Gryphon, I LOVELOVELOVE Arthur's "Oh shit!" face when his spear breaks. It cracked me up. I mean, OK, it's a bit scary for him and yes, I would have that reaction, too -- but he is so adorably terrified! I don't think we've ever seen Arthur properly terrified before. (Well, except when Merlin's glowing globe appeared, he was pretty damn scared then ... but then we got less of the "Oh shit!" face and more of the wavery afraid voice, which was no less adorable.)
Did anyone else notice that Lancelot and Merlin were sleeping in the same room? You know, Merlin's room. The room that we have seen several times, and which only has one bed ...
Writers? You are fooling no-one. :P
Lancelot and Arthur should clearly be Best Friends. They get on so well! It's so sweet! (I don't really see them Like That, but I like the idea of them being bestest buddies - almost blood brothers, if you will. :D)
At the feast -- Merlin's question to Gwen. Someone --
ice_elf? -- pointed out that she would only ask, "Who would you pick, Arthur or Lancelot" if she was thinking about who she would pick. And I must admit, I'm the same - it's the sort of question you ask when you've considered it yourself and aren't sure you've come to the right conclusion. (Or haven't come to a conclusion. Or just want to know what someone else thinks.) So, following that logic, Merlin has apparently wondered who he would pick: Arthur or Lancelot.
I'm a die-hard Merlin/Arthur 'shipper, that I admit freely. I didn't (and still don't!) want Lancelot muscling in on my OTP. But still, it amuses me that Merlin looks like he's potentially thouoght about it. :P
Plus, Lancelot/Gwen is just way too adorable for words. I love how they dance around one another! It's so sweet! They are clearly already in love! ... It doesn't help that I alwaysalwaysalways want Lancelot/Guinevere to work out, regardless of what version of the Arthurian legend I come into contact with, because it's so romantic. And yes, I love Arthur to bits, but Lanelot/Guinevere! Theirloveissoconflicted!
Morgana, at the end of the episode, is a bit harsh, though! I'm sorry, I've watched the scene where Gwen's at the window about three times, and I still think Morgana's being a harsh bitch at that point. (Maybe she's just jealous that Gwen got all Lancelot's attention ... XD)
RE: Morgana being totally ignored by Lancelot -- I am SO AMUSED by the scene at the banquet. Just, in general. I love it! I love how Arthur and Lancelot are both staring across the room at the most beautiful woman there ... and they're both looking in totally different directions! Because Arthur's staring at *cough*Merlin*cough* Morgana and Lancelot's staring at Gwen, and they both think they're talking about the same woman! XD
Oh, and Gaius. How I love Gaius! Hee~, hangover cures! Yay!
Uther's still harse and mean and horrible to Arthur. I can't believe that he sent Arthur basically to his death at the talons of the Gryphon, when he was so dead-set against sending him to his death to save Merlin! The man is a walking contradiction! (Well, we knew that anyway ... he clearly loves his son, but shows it in the most dumbarsed ways ...) What I don't understand is how Uther explained to himself how Arthur's spear broke when he hit the Gryphon with it, without turning to magic. Fool. Fool!
I still think he's a cool character, though. :P I like how he pushes Arthur - and I like even more the fact that Arthur's started to push back! The Arthur we met in Episode 1 wouldn't have turned on Uther and defended Lancelot, and et - thanks to Merlin's influence? - he's not longer the stuck-up daddy's-boy, who blindly follows what Uther dictates. I like that, that's good character development.
I can't believe Lancelot left, though! I didn't want him to leave! It's sad! (And Arthur looked so bereft; he's not only losing a great knight, he's losing the makings of a best friend - and a best friend who would be virtually his equal, as opposed to Merlin, who's 'just a servant' and therefore beneath him and therefore their relationship is inherently more complicated and yes.)
Loved the episode (as usual)! This review is shorted because I simply don't have the time to re-watch the episode and comment as I watch. :(
Tomorrow, I'm going to watch last Saturday's episode (in the daytime) and post my reactions. This will all be in-between desperately trying to write at least 5K of my NaNo. :S Wish me luck, flist! I fear I'll need it ...