I think I may have rather large and unresolved Religious Issues. This theory is based on the simple fact that every single one of my NaNoWriMo novels has had some form of religion as a fairly major focus. Take a look-see:
* 2005, Planet Haell -- MC was a Fallen Angel; lots of discussion of God vs Organised Religion and the Nature of Belief.
* 2006, The one with three Gods as MCs -- Fairly self-explanatory?
* 2007, The Everdark -- The religious order was the cause of the Everdark, and was revealed to be fairly Evil.
* 2008, The Deus Ex Machine -- Um. Classical and Norse Gods running about all over the place.
So yeah. I think my theory is fairly sound. Well, if it gets me writing, I guess ...
Also, Heroes? I think I may love Sylar/Gabriel. Someone please remind me why this is so wrong!
Also also, I've still not seen Merlin! *falil* I FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING OUT! (On the plus side, wrote three sides of my
merlin_the_elf fic today. One side of which was during my lecture, but shush about that part.
EDIT: Well fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Just read the Massive Doctor Who Spoiler. I want to cry. *gives up on the internet and goes to bed, possibly won't get up in the morning*
Uh. Didn't mean that in an 'I'm going to kill myself' way AT ALL, because seriously, no.