foxglovehp took some pictures after we planted the first round of vegetables last weekend, so I wanted to show them off to establish a baseline. Things have been doing okay until this morning, but the sudden heatwave has me a little concerned. My goal is to hook up the sprinkler first thing in the morning (when I go out to feed the yard cats) and let it run until I leave. That won't be very long (maybe about 2-ish hours), but it'll be something. In theory, I could do that each morning before going to work and give a longer soak (as needed) on the non-working days.
Okay, so let me see if I remember how to cut and post pictures:
Our corn, in less than perfect rows. Next year, we'll get a stick and some string and try for a less "rustic" approach, lol.
My lovely Bronco CRT, a tiller is a wonderful thing to have, thanks hon for giving me powertools (gardening, gardening people, where are your thoughts, seriously, back out of the gutter, all of you...) Where was I? Part of the soon to be gate (one post and the gate "fabric") as well as from left to right in the foreground: beans, cucumbers, onions, peas, lettuce and some Honeybear squash. All tiny and hard to recognize, so you will all just have to take my word for it.
Melons and some more squash. I know we have lost at least one melon already, not sure why. I think I will get a replacement when I pick up the tomatos.
On the far side (across the aisle from beans, cukes etc) fltr: chinese cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Of course you could tell that, at that distance, sure you could.
So there you have it, a baseline. Tiny little baby plants, that no one could see, where it not for the fact that the freshly watered spots suggest that there is something there to look at. Yesterday's "inspection" showed the corn a little taller and several of the other plants developing their next set of leaves. I hope they did not take too much of a beating in today's heat. As things develop, I will update stats as well as pictures.
Thanks for visiting my garden today.