Mar 13, 2007 16:45
For a blog post. In fact, given the length of the day and the ammount of events/thoughts and my addiciton to blogging, i'm sure i had many plans.
All of which escape me here and now as I sit to write.
I watched Earthlings Today on my Creative M: Vision. So I was doing lots of crying and thinking, I realized I really want to improve this rock. I realized I really want to raise awareness.
I want to see a world without tears, screams and fear.
I don't want to ever hear or see the things I did today.
But I don't want to ignore it.
I don't want to pretend that everything is fine.
Instead I want a day where we don't see these things, because they aren't happening.
I want to live in a day without regrets.
And I don't ever want to hear the screams of piglets, the sound of fear and broken bones, or blood splatter.
And yes, trust me blood splatter does make a noise, and its not a pleasent one.
So I guess I made a fool of myself crying all day.
I think i'm going to try to arrange a few showings.
I really like the documentary, its very well done, non-judgemental, its a calm, unwaviering recollection and commentary on this world and its workings, the corruption of the human race, and clearly outlines where we over step our bounds.
I need to do more.
I'm ordering Earth Balance online, because mostly vegan margerine isn't enough, I'm glad I remebered that.
In other news because i'm fickle:
I have lots of homework.
I did all my french stuff, got pretty decent marks.
94% on my speech
100% on my add project
and I did my class discussion, so basically i was up there all class.
I also haven't gotten much sleep, so i should nap and eat.
School work:
English Feminist essay (Due 3 weeks ago)
French vocab test Thus
Cul Tech Test Thus
Psyche Test Thus
Cul Tech Essays 2 due weeks ago
English book review due friday
I also need to get on with my recipie testing or even cooking in general and eating.
Sleep more.
See friends.
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